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See article for Abstract.
2014-04 (iso8601)
Natal dispersal is an important driver of population and colonization dynamics, yet factors that
affect timing and distance of post-fledging movements are poorly understood. We studied post-fledging movements
of 34 (12 male and 22 female) juvenile...
2014-06 (iso8601)
To address patterns of genetic connectivity in a mass-aggregating marine fish, we analyzed genetic variation in
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), microsatellites, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for Nassau grouper (Epinephelus
striatus). We...
2014-05-15 (iso8601)
Foraging theory predicts that animals will
adjust their foraging behavior in order to maximize net
energy intake and that trade-offs may exist that can influence
their behavior. Although substantial advances have
been made with respect to the...
2014-06 (iso8601)
To evaluate the impact of hypoxia (< 2 mg O₂ l⁻¹) on habitat quality of pelagic prey
fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico, we used a spatially explicit, bioenergetics-based growth
rate potential (GRP) model to develop indices of habitat quality....
2014-05-28 (iso8601)
Studying the ecology of endangered species in portions of their range where the population remains abundant can
provide fundamental information for conservation planners. We studied nesting by radio-tagged Marbled Murrelets
2014-02-19 (iso8601)
Landscape and site-scale data analyses aid
the interpretation of biological data and thereby help
us develop more cost-effective natural resource management
strategies. Our study focused on environmental
influences on stream assemblages and we...
2014-07 (iso8601)
Understanding how individual characteristics are associated with survival is important to programs aimed at recovering
fish populations of conservation concern. To evaluate whether individual fish characteristics observed during
the juvenile life...
2014-07-10 (iso8601)
We present genetic and morphological evidence supporting the recognition of a
previously synonymized species of Mesoplodon beaked whale in the tropical Indo-Pacific,
Mesoplodon hotaula. Although the new species is closely-related to the rare...
2014-07 (iso8601)
1. A rational conservation program for such migratory fishes as the salmon must be based on a knowledge of (a) whether or not the species consists of local, self-perpetuating populations and (b) the nature and extent of the oceanic migrations.
1939 (iso8601)
During an oceanographic cruise of the "E. W. Scripps" in May, 1939, off the coast of
Oregon, four small, post-larval specimens of Anoplopoma fimitrita were taken at the surface
of the sea with a dip net at two of the hydrographic stations off...
1941 (iso8601)
Three factors were found to be significantly correlated with the fluctuations and trends in silver salmon production in Oregon. Logging was found to adversely affect the runs of salmon in later years. Exceptional winter floods seem to produce...
1950 (iso8601)
In spite of the progressive restrictions of the commercial river fishery during the past fifty years, the trend of the salmon populations of the coastal rivers has been downward. It is almost impossible to isolate and analyze separately the causes...
1950 (iso8601)
1. There is no evidence of a decline in the striped bass population of Coos Bay.
2. The striped bass, a species introduced to the West Coast of North America, has been important as a recreational and commercial fish in Coos Bay since the late...
1950 (iso8601)