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Letter: To Senator Jackson, from Stewart Udall, May 18, 1965, page 11

113. The projects are itemized in the tabulation on the following pages. Included are three projects authorized for construction by the Bureau of Reclamation under the Water Conservation and Utilization Act. They are the Mann Creek project, Idaho;...

4 - gives the total investment in hydro-electric power and transmission as follows: Existing at Authorized additions Existing, plus June 30, 1953 Under construction and all authorized , ,...
the lands in the vicinity of Twin Falls, Minidoka, and Gooding, Idaho, on the central part of the Snake River Plain. It is isolated by great expanses of sage-brush desert extending 50 miles to the nearest. large concentration of population in the...

Increasing demands for water related services of the Columbia River and its tributaries create conflicts between users During the 1970's the conflict has centered around three major water uses - irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, and...
1979-02 (iso8601)
rates and a means of keeping the Congress advised on the current status of the matters involved. The plan would involve the installation, operation and maintenance, and replacement by the War Department of power generating facilities at projects...

Canyon, which forms the basin's eastern boundary. The watershed is typical of basins in the arid west, with substantial snowpack in upper elevations melting in a spring freshet, then diminishing to summer flow levels sustained by groundwater...

The Roy E. Huffman Papers consist of materials are mostly typewritten with some handwritten notes and letters, and include photocopies or reprints of previously published materials, reports, speeches and presentations; plans,...

Document: Statement presented by Senator Len B. Jordan To Senate Irrigation and Reclamation Subcommittee During Hearings on Central Arizona Project (S. 1658) In discussion of Pacific Southwest Water Plan, April 17, 1964, page 3

tion with the Columbia Basin joint investigations, sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation. The greater part of the shipments by water to the project, it is assumed, will consist of petroleum products, which now constitute the chief traffic up...

load, particularly in the case of firm power. As a general rule the higher the load factor attained, the lower the average unit cost which is possible. Firm Power Load factors of individual power users and of communities will vary considerably...

Images of unlined irrigation canals
that appropriations for the continuing investigations of this nature be treated as nonreimbursable. CONCLUSIONS 138. Continued development of water resources and more effective use of other natural resources of the Columbia River Basin are...

dam scoffed at the plan. A midwestern paper said, "The Grand Coulee Dam will be no more self-liquidating than the Great Pyramid it so humbles in size." And, an Eastern Congressman declared, "Grand Coulee is a vast area of gloomy tablelands...

retary shall delegate to that agency the responsibility, under his supervision and direction, for keeping this basin account, and any reports as to the status of the account or as to the effect of projects proposed under recommendation No. 5 on...

Image Caption: LOWER END OF CASCADE LOCKS --page break-- the snows of Mount Hood, is at all times available for power, irrigation, and domestic purposes. Leaving Hood River I was rowing leisurely down a gentle current and had come abreast of a...
II BASIS FOR SELECTING SYSTEM-WIDE STUDY ELEMENTS There are a number of other studies underway at this time by the Corps of Engineers, other Federal and State agencies and the Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission. Those studies are...

COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS division. The extensive irrigated areas in it are served largely from the lower Boise, Payette, Owyhee, and Malheur Rivers, from the upper Salmon, and from the middle Powder and Grande Ronde Rivers. As...

of navigation on the connected waterways of the lower Columbia, Willamette, and Snake Rivers; the provision of flood control in areas where great flood hazards now exist; and hydroelectric power installations with aggregate capacity of...

Selected material from volume one of: "A History of the Columbia Basin Project: Volume I"

The objects of the joint investigations were to provide a general plan for the development and settlement of the Columbia Basin area as a whole, and detailed plans for areas to be irrigated. The topographic surveys and land classifications of the...

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