The Queen Charlotte Fault system is a segment of the North America - Pacific
plate boundary. From 45 Ma - 5 Ma, plate motion has been primarily translational.
Since 5 Ma, transpression has been the dominant mode of interaction. The plate
1997-05-29 (iso8601)
Alaska encompasses several climate types because of its vast size, high-latitude location, proximity to oceans, and complex topography. There is a great need to understand how climate varies regionally for climatic research and forecasting...
2012-07 (iso8601)
A method was developed for assessing the vulnerability
of groundwater to contamination from contaminant sources
at the soil surface, using a numerical groundwater flow
model linked to a digital map database. The method was
applied using the...
1988-11-07 (iso8601)
A feral pig population on Santa Catalina Island, California, was
studied for 17 months beginning in July 1980. Density was estimated
to be 21 to 34 pigs/km² (95% confidence interval) using capture-recapture
techniques. Dry season home ranges...
1985-05-01 (iso8601)
Approximately 1600 km of seismic reflection profiles from the
eastern Salt Range and Potwar Plateau (SR/PP) of Pakistan are
integrated with available magnetostratigraphic, surface geologic and
well data, to categorize structural styles, determine...
1988-02-09 (iso8601)
Large woody debris recruitment to streams from adjacent riparian forests influences stream
channel morphology, sediment routing, and fish habitat. A mathematical model was developed
to 1) determine whether the trees in a stand adjacent to a...
1997-12-25 (iso8601)
Numerous studies have demonstrated that vegetation canopies affect snow
accumulation and ablation processes. In addition, estimates of remotely sensed snow
covered area can be biased by the presence of an overlying vegetation canopy.
2005-11-11 (iso8601)
The age, or residence time of water is a fundamental descriptor of catchment hydrology,
revealing information about the storage, flow pathways and source of water in a single
integrated measure. While there has been tremendous recent interest in...
2004-09-24 (iso8601)
The area studied in detail, known as the Antone District,
is located in the southeast corner of Wheeler County, Oregon, ,
between longitude 119 37. and 119°54 east, and latitude 44°23
and 44°3O' north.
Surface elevations range from 3050 feet above...
1948-06-11 (iso8601)
Prediction of flow is necessary for planning and management of water resources. The objective of this study is to estimate mean annual flows for the USA and mean monthly flows for the rivers of central Texas based on the precipitation and their...
2004-09-29 2003-12-01 2004-09-30 |
Blueline map, 74 x 110 cm. "Portion SE? SW? Section 27, Township 20 south, Range 61 east, M.D.M. & M., City of Las Vegas, Nev[ada]." "This survey was completed on September 25, 1970, at the instance of the state of Nevada Planning Board and...
58 x 46 cm., on sheet 87 x 91 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Contour interval 20 feet." "Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission." "Geology mapped in 1962-63." Includes text,...
38 x 49 cm. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Atlas sheet no. 61(D)." "Issued Jan. 10th 1878." "Expeditions of 1873, 74, 75 & 76 under the command of 1st. Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army." Prime meridians:...
'May 1, 1940. Revised Oct. 18, 1946.' 'F-225.' Relief shown by contours.
Map of groundwater resources in southern Nevada.
Environmental Considerations. Finally, environmental impacts have a substantial bearing on the evaluation of any potential site. Factors such as recreation, fish and wildlife, and other public uses will have a decided effect on the acceptability...
The acreages under existing developments served from the main stem of the Columbia are shown, by counties, in the following tabulation:
Land irrigable under existing works—Main stem of
Columbia River
imity to the ocean in Columbia Harbor the level of the River is not affected by freshets from upstream, and the only variation that has to be recognized is the bi-diurnal rise and fall of the tides.
NOTE : The business section of Astoria, which I...
Document: Appendices to Pacific Southwest Water Plan Review Draft "U.S. Geological Survey Appendix", August 1963, page 1
Report:United States Department of Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary, Bureau of Reclamation, Floyd E. Dominy, "Pacific Southwest Water Plan", Report of August 1963 as modified January 1964, Table of Contents, page iv
Journal: Anthropological Notes, University of Utah Department of Anthropology, "Historical Sites in Glen Canyon, Mouth of San Juan River to Lee's Ferry", Number 46, June 1960, page 17
Report: "Reconnaissance Engineering and Geological Report on the Bridge Canyon Tunnel", January 17, 1956, page 9
Document: Bureau of Reclamation, Central Arizona Project, 1963, author unknown, page 1
Cost of this short-range schedule in the Pacific Southwest is estimated as about $3,000,000 to complete maps in progress, plus about $4,000,000 for the maps to be started through 1967.
Long-range Schedule
Following the six-year schedule just...
In the process of formulating the plan for the Marble Canyon Project, numerous alternative plans and damsites were studied. Some of these studies were in considerable detail, and some were reconnaissance in...