Record Details

Estimating large woody debris recruitment from adjacent riparian areas

ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

Field Value
Title Estimating large woody debris recruitment from adjacent riparian areas
Names Minor, Kathleen P. (creator)
Sessions, John (advisor)
Beschta, Robert L. (advisor)
Tesch, Steven D. (advisor)
Date Issued 1997-12-25 (iso8601)
Note Master of Forestry (M.F.)
Abstract Large woody debris recruitment to streams from adjacent riparian forests influences stream
channel morphology, sediment routing, and fish habitat. A mathematical model was developed
to 1) determine whether the trees in a stand adjacent to a stream, upon falling, would provide
large woody debris of a specified size to the stream and 2) determine the volume of trees, upon
falling, that reach a stream over a specific time period. The model considered stand and
topographic parameters such as tree size, tree form, distance from the stream, hill slope gradient,
stream gradient, stream width, riparian buffer width, and basal area of the stand. The likelihood
that a tree of a specified size will reach the channel is the probability the tree will fall in a given
direction evaluated at 1 degree azimuths from 0 to 360 degrees multiplied by the probability it is
tall enough to reach the stream. Volume estimates were calculated by multiplying estimated tree
volumes by the joint probabilities.
A test riparian polygon comprised of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii {Mirb.] Franco) was
selected to illustrate how the model predicts large woody debris recruitment of both key pieces
and volume to an adjacent stream. Estimating large woody debris recruitment to streams from
adjacent riparian stands over several decades may be useful in determining effectiveness of
various configurations of riparian buffers and provide assistance in the prediction of the future
quality of aquatic and terrestrial habitats in riparian zones. This model provides one way to
estimate where large wood is coming from within a riparian leave area and could be useful in
determining necessary widths for riparian areas that are intended to provide large woody debris
recruitment over time.
Genre Research Paper
Topic Riparian ecology -- Mathematical models

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