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The success of restoration in attaining wildlife conservation goals can be strongly dependent on both site-scale and landscape-scale habitat characteristics, particularly for species with complex life cycles. Wetland management activities...
2014-02 (iso8601)
Reproductive tactics and migratory strategies
in Pacific and Atlantic salmonines are inextricably
linked through the effects of migration (or lack
thereof) on age and size at maturity. In this review, we
focus on the ecological and evolutionary...
2014-09 (iso8601)
Biological invasions create complex ecological
and societal issues worldwide. Most of the
knowledge about invasions comes only from successful
invaders, but less is known about which processes
determine the differential success of invasions. In...
2014-09 (iso8601)
1. Freshwater mussels (Order: Unionidae) are among the most imperiled aquatic organisms in North America. Conservationists and resource managers within the United States are increasingly advocating restoration of these animals to preserve...
2014-04 (iso8601)
An understanding of the interactions among local environmental factors (e.g., physical habitat and water
quality) and aquatic assemblages is essential to conserve biodiversity in tropical and subtropical headwater
streams. We evaluated the...
2014-09 (iso8601)
Potential for large prairie remnants to provide habitat for grassland-obligate wildlife may be compromised by
nonsustainable range-management practices. In 1979–1980, high nesting densities of 3 species of hawks in the genus
Buteo—Ferruginous Hawk...
2014-07-16 (iso8601)
Lead (Pb) is a metabolic poison that can negatively influence biological processes, leading to illness and mortality
across a large spectrum of North American avifauna (>120 species) and other organisms. Pb poisoning can result from
2014-07-09 (iso8601)
In this issue of The Condor: Ornithological Applications, Haig et al. (2014) summarize negative impacts of lead
ammunition and fishing tackle on birds and discuss strategies for mitigating risks to wildlife and human health. Their
Review raises an...
2014-07-09 (iso8601)
Many multispecies models have assumed that prey density determines per-capita predator consumption rates,
following a functional response relationship. However, empirical evidence suggests that a predator’s diet can also be influenced
by a variety...
2014-08 (iso8601)
Declining abundance of Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha across the Pacific Northwest is an issue of
great concern ecologically, culturally, and economically. Growth during the first summer is vitally important for
juvenile Chinook Salmon,...
2014-07-17 (iso8601)
Worldwide, lack of data on stream temperature has motivated the use of regression-based
statistical models to predict stream temperatures based on more widely available data on air
temperatures. Such models have been widely applied to project...
2014-08-26 (iso8601)