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Halo bacterial blight caused by Pseudomonas
syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psp) is a serious
seed-borne disease of common bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). The disease can be controlled
by major resistance (R) genes effective against
specific races of the...
2014-08-20 (iso8601)
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) have been used to improve both the positive and negative bias-stress stability of amorphous
indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) bottom gate thin film transistors (TFTs). N-hexylphosphonic acid (HPA) and fluorinated...
2014-07-30 (iso8601)
In the forest products business and management literature, one common categorization of different types of innovation is product innovation, process innovation and business systems innovation. Forest products companies have long placed high...
2014-10-01 (iso8601)
Efforts to regulate over-fishing of coastal fisheries through centralized, top-down management schemes have often failed. As a result, regulators have paid increasing attention to a limited entry/access rights approach, under which exclusive use...
2007 (iso8601)
1934-05-14 (iso8601)
1949-05-18 (iso8601)