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Artificial streams, soil perfusion columns, and potted plants were exposed to 20 ug Cd/l in the presence and absence of unretorted oil shale leachate. High cadmium accumulations occurred in the stream biota, but did...
Recently governments and universities in many South American countries have shown considerable interest in a planned and orderly development of available water resources. A case in point is the preliminary study reported in which the problem is...
Preface: This volume is the first published proceeding of the Utah Water Pollution Associations Annual Meeting. The Technical Program of the Annual Meeting was divided into five separate sessions. The program was...
Executive Summary: A reconnaissance-level study was conducted in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming, during the late summer of 1982 in order to determine the possible importance of the sediment sin exacerbating the...
Using finite differences and the Crank-Nicholson implicit scheme for solving parabolic type partial differential equations, a computer program has been developed for solving the one-dimensional, vertical movement of...
Twelve measures of regional economic growth, including populations and three measures of income were compared for areas with and without water investment in 246 counties and 42 water resources subareas in the states...
The design and performance of a vacuum lift, solar powered water pump is discussed. The basic design consists of an expanding gaseous piston confined inside a chamber which is located in series with, and between an inlet and an outlet check value....
Leachates from both raw (unretorted) and Paraho retorted oil shale show the ability to bind copper, and perhaps cadmium, strongly enough to mitigate the inhibitory effects of these metals on the growth of the test...
Bioaugmentation using the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was found to be effective in enhancing TNT removal in lightly (i.e., below 100 mg/kg) contaminated soil. The percent reduction in TNT increased from 15% to 53% when soils were...
The feasibility of optimizing large regional water resource planning problems by means of integer programming algorithms is analyzed. Two types of integer programming models are developed: (1) A water supply model...
Preface: Water Activites for Elementary Children is based upon the assumption that children learn best by doing. In education, and especilly in science, talking is not necessarily teaching. The most desireable...
As demands upon available water supplies increase, there is an accompanying increase in the need to assess the downstream hydrologic system. At Utah State University this problem is being approached by electronic...
A basin consideration in the design of culverts and other minor highway drainage structures is the estimation of the design peak flow. Frequency analysis of more than 1,000 small watersheds in the United States and...
Problem Statement: Rising levels of the Great Salt Lake are severely impacting private and public property. in the private sector, the mineral industry, the railroad, and a number of recreation enterprises are...
This brochure is the third in a series of borchures on groundwater heat pumps, prepared at Utah State University. The first brochure describes the principles of operation of groundwater heat pumps, and the second...
The effects and interactive effects on infiltration of parameters in the Brooks-Corey equation for defining the hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils are investigated by analyzing the results of numerical...
Flooding at the Great Slat Lake could become a major disaster through the high cost of coping with the rising level, sudden collapse of protective levees, failure of pumping to the West Desert to induce increased...
In an attempt to apply better management principles to the control of state lands, the Division of State Lands asked for the study of two questions concerning state administered lands near Moab, Utah. The first question deals with the Moab and...
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