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In a population of the European common toad Bufo bufo from a rural pond in the
region of Lake Glubokoe Regional Reserve in Moscow province, Russia, unexplained mass mortality
events involving larvae and metamorphs have been observed over a...
2014-08-11 (iso8601)
Springs in arid lands provide critical habitat for a variety of species and functions to humans,
yet the ecology and management needs of springs to maintain these values are poorly understood. To
examine plant communities along spring...
2014-01 (iso8601)
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies of aqueous [Ta₆O₁₉]⁸⁻
compared to prior studies of aqueous [Nb₆O₁₉]⁸⁻ reveals key
differences in behaviour, which is likely at the root of the difficultly
in developing polyoxotantalate chemistry....
2014-11-07 (iso8601)