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ScholarsArchive at Oregon State University

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The restoration of rivers and streams should be based on a strong conceptual framework. Streams are developing systems. As such, streams exhibit temporal behaviors that change with changing stream environments. Underlying the dynamic development...
1994-06-01 (iso8601)
A wildfire burned over 40,000 ha of conifer and mixed conifer-hardwood forest in the Silver Creek drainage of southwestern Oregon in the fall of 1987 allowing me to assess big game use of a large natural burn. I used fecal pellet group counts to...
1994-07-14 (iso8601)
Demographic characteristics of juvenile Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) were examined in relation to physical and biotic factors to develop a hypothesis explaining annual variations in recruitment. Surveys were conducted along the Oregon...
1994-05-04 (iso8601)
The Quotient Method (QM), a laboratory-based risk assessment methodology used by the Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate pesticides for registration and use, has not been thoroughly field-tested and its performance has not always been...
1994-09-28 (iso8601)
Riparian zones provide habitat for breeding birds in the semiarid western United States; however, there are few data available that address the effects of livestock grazing strategies on riparian habitats and avian communities. Documenting avian...
1995-05-12 (iso8601)
Recent attention has focused on the high rates of annual carbon sequestration in vegetated coastal ecosystems—marshes, mangroves, and seagrasses—that may be lost with habitat destruction (‘conversion’). Relatively unappreciated, however, is that...
2012-09-04 (iso8601)
Along the Pacific coast of North America, from Alaska to Mexico, harmful algal blooms (HABs) have caused losses to natural resources and coastal economies, and have resulted in human sicknesses and deaths for decades. Recent reports indicate a...
2012-09 (iso8601)
Four decades after the passage of the US Clean Air Act, air-quality standards are set to protect ecosystems from damage caused by gas-phase nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) compounds, but not from the deposition of these air pollutants to land and...
2012-09 (iso8601)
The Sultanate of Oman has 1700 km of coastline extending from the Arabian Gulf south to the Arabian Sea. The demersal fish distributions and assemblages have not previously been well defined. In winter, variations in the oceanography of the area...
1994-11-29 (iso8601)
To best manage Eagle Creek National Fish Hatchery, negative interactions between hatchery salmonids and Endangered Species Act listed wild salmonids in the Eagle Creek Basin need to be minimized. Our objectives were: 1) to compare summer rearing...
2012-09-28 (iso8601)
We used radio and acoustic telemetry to study the behavior and survival of wild steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and hatchery coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead outmigrants in a small coastal estuary during two years. Survival...
2012-09-28 (iso8601)
Body size explains much of the interspecific variation in the physiology, behavior, and morphology of birds, such as metabolic rate, diet selection, intake rate, gut size, and bill size. Based on mass-specific metabolic requirements and relative...
2012-10-11 (iso8601)
Livestock grazing is a widespread source of habitat modification, and may affect populations of ground-nesting grassland birds by influencing rates of nest failure. Nesting attempts can fail for various reasons, and determining risk of failure...
2012-11 (iso8601)
The biodiversity of most marine communities is more or less dependent on continuous invasions from sources with greater richness. These ongoing, natural invasions have become greatly augmented by ship traffic in numerous estuaries and harbors...
2012-03-08 (iso8601)
Evidence for reduced reproductive success (RS) of wild spawning hatchery-reared fish invites serious consideration with regard to the detrimental effects on subsequent generations of wild populations. Mate choice was evaluated as a potential...
2012-11-27 (iso8601)
Early life stages of many marine and diadromous fish species use sandy beach surf zones, which occur along >50% of the world's marine coastlines. This extensive habitat can provide juvenile fishes with an abundant supply of potential prey and the...
2012-10-05 (iso8601)
In the US Pacific Northwest, rockfishes Sebastes spp. have recently become a focus for increased management efforts; several species are currently managed under extreme conservation measures due to low population levels and intense fishing...
2012-02-23 (iso8601)
Despite the fact that fishing is an inherently uncertain business, risk has rarely been formally recognized in fisheries science or management. Few fishery management plans include any form of risk assessment and those that do focus on minimizing...
1994-11-22 (iso8601)
A static-renewal, seven day test was developed and utilized to study the effects of nutrition on the sensitivity of Mysidopsis intii Holmquist to zinc. It was found that juvenile growth was the most reliable and sensitive endpoint that could also...
1995-04-21 (iso8601)
The groundfish trawl fishery operating off the coasts of Oregon and Washington 1985-1987 caught six major assemblages of species which could be treated as units in developing mixed-species management plans. Eighty-one percent of the tows observed...
1994-02-23 (iso8601)
Ten high mountain ponds in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State, were studied from June through September 1992 to investigate the influences of fluctuating pond volumes on zooplankton communities. A temporary pond of short wet phase...
1994-04-06 (iso8601)
An approach to understanding and managing anadromous salmon, steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus spp.) based on life history and evolutionary adaptive capacities of species and stocks is presented. Species, stocks, and local...
1993-06-11 (iso8601)
4526 - 4550 of 55520 Items    << < 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 > >> 

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