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Numerous tests were applied to rainbow trout
of eleven months of age to determine whether
ascorbic acid is an essential element of the diet
of these fish. Although previous work had been
done on this question, conflicts in the results,
the large...
1968-10-15 (iso8601)
The rainbow trout population in Elder Creek, Oregon was
studied between June 1965 and November 1966. The physical characteristics
of the stream during the summer season were described.
Rainbow trout were captured in each of three sections on the...
1967-06-07 (iso8601)
Criteria for the design and construction of a prototype streamside
incubator for Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus) eggs and alevins
are described. Operation of the prototype and methods of transporting
freshly spawned salmon eggs from distant sources...
1969-12-11 (iso8601)
Freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW) acclimated yearling coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, were subjected to severe confinement stress in FW, SW, or a medium (1/3 SW) that was approximately isosmotic to the fish's blood. Chronic stress caused...
1982-12-12 (iso8601)
Distribution of nests and nesting success were determined for
sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus) Cooper’s hawks (A. cooperii),
and goshawks (A. gentilis) in Oregon during 1969 through 1974. 1n
addition, two areas (11,74l hectares in Eastern...
1974-12-19 (iso8601)
A time and energy budget was constructed for a population of
dippers (Cinclus Mexicanus) in the Cascade Range of Oregon during
winter. A total of 12,202 point observations of activity were made
from nine observation blinds from 19 November 1973 to...
1975-03-03 (iso8601)
Selection of colored nest boxes by wood ducks (Aix sponsa)
was evaluated during the breeding seasons of 1967-68 in Benton
County, Oregon. No color or site factor influence was observed
in 1967 when nest boxes were erected in sets of eight boxes...
1968-08-29 (iso8601)
The abundance and distribution of the Pacific harbor seal
(Phoca vitulina richardi) and the northern or Stellar sea lion (Eumetopias
jubata) in Oregon are described, The number of seals and sea
lions presented for bounty in Oregon since 1925 is...
1968-08-30 (iso8601)
1985-11-26 (iso8601)
Five species of aquatic organisms were exposed to TCDD. Lethal effects of initial exposure to coho salmon of 23.4 nanogram TCDD/gram fish wet weight (23.4 ng/g), or equivalent to 100 nanogram
per liter (100 ng/l) TCDD in water, for 24 hours were...
1974-04-16 (iso8601)
Numerous fishery researchers have attempted to preserve viable fish sperm, but only three investigations were successful in the fertilization of fresh eggs with frozen and thawed sperm: Blaxter (1953); Hoyle and Idler (1968); and Graybill and...
1969-09-04 (iso8601)
Direct observation of a known number of black-tailed deer
(Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), within the Cedar Creek study
enclosure in the Tillamook Burn, Oregon, was carried on throughout
1964. Observations were made from three huts located...
1965-06-11 (iso8601)
Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, is a valuable North Pacific Ocean species caught in several commercial fisheries and is often discarded due to size or catch limits. Managers must account for the mortality of discarded fish to assess fish...
2004-05-25 (iso8601)
Relative use by pronghorns (Antilocapra americana) of 16 range sites was studied during summer and fall of 1971 and 1972 on Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, an area of high desert
rangeland in south central Oregon. A Relative Use Index was...
1974-05-01 (iso8601)
The objective of my study was to examine differences in riparian tree and shrub composition associated with adult aquatic emergence and implications for terrestrial spiders in these sites. Seasonal abundance and biomass of adult emergent aquatic...
2004-06-24 (iso8601)
Pleuronectid flatfish are generally thought to utilize stereotypical anti-predator behavior to reduce encounters with potential predators, including burial, maintaining a low profile on the bottom, cryptic coloration, and reduced activity....
2005-07-18 (iso8601)
Recently the National Park Service has proposed raising fence heights to
exclude mouflon sheep (Ovis musimon) from conservation areas at Hawai'i
Volcanoes National Park. Concern over previous mortality of Hawaiian Petrels
2004-12-07 (iso8601)