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The results of experiments conducted in 1957 and 1958 to
isolate the cause of post-transportation mortalities among hatchery-reared
rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, in Oregon are
reported. Although death rate varies greatly, the average...
1963-05-14 (iso8601)
A study of orientation and homing in brush rabbits, Sylvilagus
bachmani ubericolor (Miller), was conducted on the E. E. Wilson
Game Management Area 7 miles north of Corvallis, Oregon, between
July 1967 and April 1969. Sixty-seven individual...
1970-05-04 (iso8601)
See pdf
1967-05-11 (iso8601)
The specific objectives of the study were to determine the
sociological and economic considerations of the private landowners
and managers in Grant County, Oregon regarding their tolerances
of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus)and deer hunters on...
1975-03-06 (iso8601)
In the spring and summer of 1973 and 1974 a study of
habitat utilization by pileated woodpeckers (DryocoPus
pileatus picinus) was conducted on the Starkey Experimental
Forest and Range in the Blue Mountains of northeastern
1975-02-24 (iso8601)
Sixteen populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) were established
in laboratory aquariums. Eight populations were exposed to
dieldrin at a mean concentration of 0.525 ppb in the water and 2.11
ppm in the food, tubificid worms. Eight...
1974-03-11 (iso8601)
Predator-prey interactions, as measured by the consumption
and growth rates of a predator (Micropterus salmoides) and by the
observed activities of both predator and prey (Gambusia affinis),
were found to be sensitive to sublethal levels of...
1976-04-09 (iso8601)
1958-07-14 (iso8601)
Pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax) are an economically and ecologically important forage fish which transfer energy from planktonic primary producers and secondary consumers to upper trophic predators. Previous genetics studies of Pacific sardine...
2010-10-07T22:51:21Z (iso8601)
A fish sampling program was initiated at Cottage Grove Reservoir
in June of 1974 to investigate mercury accumulation in the fish.
Samples were collected periodicallv from June to November, 1974, and
from June, 1975 through January, 1976 from both...
1979-02-22 (iso8601)
Few studies have evaluated non-migratory Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti)
interactions and habitat use on lands undergoing extensive timber removal. We captured and
radio-tracked for 14 months representatives from 29 different bands of...
1994-10-27 (iso8601)
The temporal and spatial variation in reproductive success exhibited by burrowing
owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) facilitates the testing of mechanisms influencing this
parameter. I predicted that food supplementation would increase...
2002-01-31 (iso8601)
Daily and seasonal habitat use by Roosevelt elk was investigated
in the Oregon Coast Range on managed, public forestland. Over 3,700
locations of 6 radio-collared cow elk were recorded during 12 consecutive
months. Two elk formed part of a north...
1981-06-09 (iso8601)
Regions of similar species composition and groups of demersal fish
species with similar distribution patterns from Cape Flattery,
Washington to Point Hueneme from 50-250 fm (93-460 rn) were defined based
on results of an agglomerative cluster...
1982-06-14 (iso8601)
The Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) is one conservation tool that mitigates national wetland loss and a primary goal for the program includes optimizing wildlife habitat by restoring wetland functions and values. Few studies have evaluated the WRP,...
2010-11-22 (iso8601)
Early ocean residence is assumed to be a critical period for juvenile Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. However, the specific mechanisms influencing growth and survival in the ocean have not been identified for most populations. Therefore, three...
2010-11-16 (iso8601)
Identifying appropriate units for conservation requires knowledge of evolutionary
patterns and risks of managing at different geographical and genetic scales. I examined
genetic diversity at different geographical scales among 11,400 rainbow...
1997-04-30 (iso8601)
The Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba) is now the only species of marine bird in
Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska that is listed as "not recovering" on the Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustee Council's Injured Resources List and has shown no...
2010-12-02 (iso8601)
Several types of instream structures were evaluated for their
potential to provide rearing habitat and to increase reach carrying
capacity for steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri). Evaluation was
conducted in each season over the course of 1 year....
1987-07-30 (iso8601)
Fire is an important disturbance mechanism in big sagebrush (Artemisia
tridentata) communities, yet little is known about wildlife population dynamics during
post-fire habitat succession. I estimated the abundance of small mammals and birds in...
2010-12-28 (iso8601)