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The Monowai volcanic centre (MVC) is located at the mid-point along the ~2530 km
long Tonga-Kermadec arc system, is probably the most hydrothermally active submarine
volcanic system globally. The MVC is comprised of a large elongate caldera...
2012-12 (iso8601)
These documents resulted from a summer 2013 internship for a OSU Systems Engineering student. Mr. Applegate was charged with documenting the existing seawater system at the Hatfield Marine Science Center and recommending efficiency upgrades. He...
2013-10-18 (iso8601)
Similarly structured food web models of four coastal ecosystems (Northern California Current, Central Gulf of Alaska, Georges Bank, southwestern Antarctic Peninsula) were used to investigate competition among whales, fishes, pinnipeds, and humans....
2013-07-27 (iso8601)
tWe used a combination of seabird data (both fishery-dependent and fishery-independent) and fishing-effort data to evaluate the relative fisheries risk of five west coast groundfish fisheries and oneshrimp fishery to black-footed (Phoebastria...
2013-10 (iso8601)
See Article for Abstract
2013-10 (iso8601)
We combine high-resolution bathymetry acquired using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ABE with digital seafloor imagery collected using the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS across the axial valley of the Southern Explorer Ridge (SER) to infer the...
2013-05-29 (iso8601)
Ms Pierszalowski, a graduate student at Oregon State University’s Cetacean Conservation Genetics Lab, was hired by the Baranov Museum (Kodiak Historical Society) to analyze the America Pacific Whaling Company's Weekly Manufacturing Log. This log...
2012-11 (iso8601)
Central place foragers, such as breeding seabirds, need to commute between their nests and foraging grounds, thus close proximity of the breeding colony to productive oceanographic features might be beneficial for seabird reproduction. We tested...
2013-10-01 (iso8601)
Stressors associated with human activities interact in complex ways to affect marine ecosystems,
yet we lack spatially explicit assessments of cumulative impacts on ecologically and
economically key components such as marine predators. Here we...
2013-10-28 (iso8601)
The utility of the fatty acid biomarker (FAB) approach in fisheries ecology is limited by our understanding of how
biotic and abiotic factors determine dietary markers in fish tissues. An 8-week laboratory experiment was
conducted on two species...
2013-10 (iso8601)
Stabilization of the Yaquina Bay shoreline along the northeastern edge of the Hatfield Marine
Science Center (HMSC) campus became necessary to halt erosion that threatened both HMSC
critical infrastructure (seawater storage tank) and public access...
2014-03-05 (iso8601)