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Manual and automatic solvent extraction techniques were used
to concentrate organic material from natural waters. Field and
laboratory extractions were compared to determine the most probable
method and best solvents for efficient concentration of...
1967-05-12 (iso8601)
Sea level and current data collected near Newport, Oregon are
compared to determine an empirical relationship from which the low
frequency (f < .1 cpd) alongshore current field over the continental
shelf is estimated from observed sea level...
1976-10-06 (iso8601)
Columbia River sediment was irradiated with ultraviolet light to
determine if organic material could be removed without altering the
sorptive properties of the hydrous oxides of iron and manganese.
A laboratory preparation of Zn-65 spiked hydrous...
1971-08-30 (iso8601)
Wind speed data were taken at a weather station on the coast
and horizontal wind speed energy spectra were computed. The shape
of an average spectrum obtained in marine environment is compared
with an average land spectrum and the presence of a...
1971-06-09 (iso8601)
Hydrographic and bathythermograph data taken off the Oregon
coast during a two week period in August of 1969 were analyzed to
determine if heat content and mixed layer depth may be used as
indicators of Columbia River plume water.
Heat content was...
1971-11-03 (iso8601)
Temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen concentration
measured in an estuary were analyzed to determine if the effects of
coastal upwelling could be observed and used to effectively monitor
the degree of upwelling.
Hydrographic data collected...
1968-08-07 (iso8601)
Changes in sea level during the past 20,000 years are recorded
in sediments taken from the continental shelf off the Rogue River,
Oregon. Sea level has risen approximately 125 m. during the
Holocene (Curray, 1965) and the general transgression has...
1968-09-25 (iso8601)
Levels of ⁶⁵Zn in water, sediments, plants, and animals in
Alder Slough, a small ecosystem in the Columbia River Estuary,
were determined periodically during a one year period. Concentrations
of total Zn in organisms were also measured to permit...
1967-08-22 (iso8601)
Surveyor Deep-Sea Channel extends for approximately 700 km
over the northern Alaskan Abyssal Plain. It originates near the base
of the continental slope opposite Dry Bay and Alsek Strath and terminates
in the Aleutian Trench south of Kodiak...
1972-02-09 (iso8601)
Many sediments, including the fine-grained pelagic deposits,
possess polymodal grain size distributions. Resolution of individual
modes show them to be related either to compositional fractions or to
depositional processes or both, and sometimes...
1971-06-11 (iso8601)
Quartz is an ubiquitous component of marine sediments. Textural
characteristics of this component reflect the dynamics of its transport
and at the same time are indicative of its source.
Quartz may be extracted from marine sediments by means of a...
1972-03-02 (iso8601)
The motions of a small spar buoy were measured in deep water.
The measured variables were two buoy tilts, three accelerations, two
wave slopes and the wave height. The variables were corrected for
buoy motion and rotated to stationary coordinates,...
1971-06-22 (iso8601)
In situ salinity, turbidity and temperature were measured at
discrete depths and water samples for radioanalysis were simultaneously
collected in the Columbia River Estuary using a specially designed
instrument package.
Particulate radioactivity...
1967-05-11 (iso8601)
Radioactive chromium-51, a waste byproduct from operation
of nuclear reactors at Hanford, Washington, has been followed down
the Columbia River and into the Pacific Ocean. Chemical factors
influencing the partitioning of ⁵¹Cr between solution and...
1966-12-15 (iso8601)
During the six-month period of July through December, 1966,
a study of animals inhabiting laminarian holdfasts in Yaquina Bay,
Oregon, was carried out to determine what animals live in this habitat
and to gain some idea of the factors which...
1967-05-11 (iso8601)
Direct measurements of vertical water motions were made in
the Oregon coastal region during the 1972 summer upwelling season.
The instruments used were the Webb-Voorhis vertical current meters
which are freely drifting neutrally buoyant floats...
1973-08-30 (iso8601)
During the GEOSECS cruise of the R/V KNORR, July 1972-April 1973, a very complete and high quality nutrient data set was acquired for the Atlantic Ocean. One hundred and twenty-one hydrographic
stations were occupied throughout the Atlantic...
1974-04-29 (iso8601)
An attempt has been made to experimentally interbreed Atlantic
and Pacific populations of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia clausi
Giesbrecht. Breeding between individuals from each population produced many successive generations in the...
1973-08-27 (iso8601)
The opening of the South Atlantic between 140 and 90 m. y. B. P.
occurred about two poles of rotation. The initial pole of rotation was
maintained until Africa and South America were completely separated.
The subsequent removal of restraints...
1973-12-20 (iso8601)
In order to quantitatively examine the crustal structure of the
Panama Basin without the benefit of local seismic refraction data, the
following assumptions were made: (1) No significant lateral changes
in density take place below a depth of 50...
1973-12-19 (iso8601)
The wind field measured during Project JASIN 1972, a joint
British-American venture during September 1972, was analyzed.
These measurements were done, with equipment manufactured by
Ivar Aanderaa of Bergen, Norway, on large, anchored toroid...
1973-08-16 (iso8601)