Record Details

Screening debris

J.W.Marriott Library CONTENTdm Server Repository

Field Value
Title Screening debris
Subject Canyon
Description The first stage in water treatment is a screening process that takes out branches, dead animals, cigarette butts, etc. anything that will float. A water jet sprays off the collected debris into a wire enclosure called a back trough. The debris goes into plant drying beds and becomes good compost in 6 months.
Coverage Big Cottonwood Water Treatment Plant Big Cottonwood Creek 40°37'7.54"N 111°46'57.47"W
Date 2009-08-24
Creator Craig Denton
Type image
Format image/tif
Rights Craig L. Denton 2009. Use of this file is allowed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License;

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