Record Details
Field | Value |
Title | BOR_CUP_1974 |
Coverage | Electronic reproduction; |
Rights | Public Domain |
Relation |
aw W i r bonnevveilillee w unit CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT buaarreeaauu of rrReeeccuclllalaoammmaataittoiioonn qqO1aR 1ss5tia1r A il 4 NX a4kk 4 71 WI ccuuwicc RECD F rrReeFoaO NAME iniffj 2 aco S 22. 47 r 1 2 t rr w julyt973 4 y s 1 l ffgiiipep CENTRAL UUTTtAaAHHhpPrRoOjJeECcTt bonneville UNIT v t the bboonnnneevviizlzltee unit is the largest and most comprehensive of the authorized units of the central utah project and is the most significant al water resource development to date in utah it is located in the central portion of the state and includes developments in both the uinta and bonneville basins with a substantial diversion of water from the uinta basin to the bonneville basin useable water supplies will be increased in the two basins by means of regulatory storage works and conveyance facilities included in these facilities will be 10 new reservoirs and the enlargement of two existing reservoirs 2 major dikes on utah lake more than 114400mmiilleess of aqueducts tunnels and canals 3 power plants and several ppuummppininggppllaannttss 1 about 313000 acre feet of water will be developed annually for municipal and industrial purposes irrigation hhyyddroroellecttrriic power fish and wild life flood control recreation and water qquuaalliittyyccoonnttrrooll UINTA BASIN starvation reservoir with a total capacity of 167300 acre ffebeeeeettt was the first feature of the BbbBoooonnnnnnnnaeaeeevvviiittltllleee unit to be constructed it was formed by a dam on strawberry river about three miles upstream from duchesne to store unappropriated flows of the duchesne and strawberry rivers water will be rrreeelilleetaaassseeedddffrroomm starvation reservoir as nneeeeddeeddttoo supplement present irrigation supplies in the duchesne river area and to replace water presently used in tttthhhhaaaactttaaarrreeeaaa which will be diverted to the bonneville basin existing canals and ditches will be rehabilitated where needed and used to distribute project water released from starvation reservoir rf S S crossing the high southern flank of the uuiinnttaammoouunnttaaiinnss the sssittrrraaamwh L berry aqueduct about 37 miles long will intercept the flows of several streams tributary to the duchesne river upper ssttiizuzuwaatteerr reservoir on rock creek and currant creek reservoir on currant creek will serve as eeuqqauulaaillziizziiinnnggg reservoirs along the aqueduct water will flow by gravity through the aqueduct to the enlarged strawberry reservoir ssoozlddiieerrccrreeeekk ddaami about 7 miles downstream from the existing ssttrraawwbebrreydrarmy dam will iiinnncccrrreeeaaasssqaae the present strawberry reservoir capacity from 283000 to 1106500 acre feet and thae normal water surface elevation of the reservoir will be raised about 45 feet A i w & raaarllfl bonneville basin tTrraannssbbaassiinn diversion A t 11 ya water will be diverted from strawberry reservoir in the nneewv 6665.55 .44 mile long pressurized syar tunnel through the divide bbeettwweeeenmtcdthhhheaa&uuiinnttaa and bonneville basins approximately 197600 acre feet of water will be released annually tthhrroouugghhttdhhheee tunnel including 61000 adccrree feet of j normal yyiieellddooffthtchheaea strawberry vvaailllleeyypprrdojjeecctt H kklltoiit power system tf B water descending about 2000 feet to the vailley floor will flow iinni succession through the diamond fork power ppillaannttas syar sixth water and dyne the plants willhhaavvee a total ggeenneerraattiinnggccaappaacciittyy of about 133000 kilowatts part of the power produced at these plants will be used for project pumping and the remainder for commercial consumption to help repay project costs use of water strawberry reservoir water rreelleeaasseeddththrorouugghh the power plants during the nonirrigation season will be stored in either utah lake the 51500 t acre foot capacity hayes reservoir the enlarged mona rrreeessseeerrrvvvoooiirirsrj or the existing sevier bridge reservoir sffsoooonrii later use during the irrigation season sevier bridge reservoir is adequate to store and reregulate the project water diverted to the sevier river basin summer season releases r through the power plants will be used directly for irrigation spanish fork river the 3322 mille ilong wasatch aqueduct thae 24 mille long mhmooonnnaaannneeaePp hi canal the 27 mille ilong nephi sevier canal aannddtthheae sevier river will ccoonnvveyeyiirrrriiggaattiioonn wvwaaattteeerrrfrfroomm the ppoowveerr plants and reservoirs to lands in utah juab millard sanpete and sevier counties the wwaassaattochh aqueduct will extend southwest from the ddyynnaeepPoowweerr plant to york ridge mona nephi canal will continue south from york ridge to nephi during the nnoonniirrrriiggaattiioonnsseeaassoonn some water will be released from the mona nneepphhii canal for storage in the mona reservoir and during periods of peak irrigation demand water will be pumped back to the mona nephi ccaannaadl by the mona pumping plant at nephi water will be pumped by the nneepphhiippuummppiinngg plant from the mmoonnda nephi canal to the nephi sevier canal which will continue to the sevier bridge reservoir mona reservoir will be enlarged to a ttottallcacappaacciittyy of 47000 acre feet by construction of a new dam conn currant creek 7 municipal anndd industrial water released from jjJooorrrdddaaannnneaeeUnuleaeelerresseerrvvootirr will be distributed in northern uUutttaaahhhaaannnddd salt lake counties bbyyttchhheee jordan aqueduct system mMmuuunnniiiccciiipppaaalllaaannnddd industrial water rreelleeaasseeddfrforomm ssstttrrraaawwabbbeeerrrryy reservoir will be used from sSpprriinnggvviillllee to nephi & 2 f6t krs jA fW utah lake 1.1 utah lake is a vital component of the bboonnnneevviizlzltee unit provo aannd goshen bays will be separated from the main body of utah lllaaabkkeaeebbybyy dikes to reduce evapotranspiration losses provo bay dike will be 6665.55 miles long and will separate the eastern extremity from the lake lllaaannndddssliiinnn provo bay amounting to about 9000 acres will bbeeddrraaiinneedd aannddrreeccllaaiimmeedd for agricultural use A canal will be constructed to divert ssttrreeaammfflloowwss around provo bbaayyttoo the lake bggoooooshhheeennn bay dike will be 5554.44 mmmiiilllleeesssillooilonnnggg and will separate the southern bbaayyfffsrrrroooommnn the lake goshen bay is not suitable for reclamation because of its high salt content and heavy texture of the soil A waterfowl management area is planned for goshen bay if adequate water can be made available 1 diking of utah llaakkeewwiilillilrerdeduuccee the surface area of the llaakkoae lbiyy aabboouutt3355 and will result in an evaporation savings of more than 100000 acre feet annually in operation the level of the lake will be maintained at about its present elevation part of the project water collected in utah lake will be used for irrigation of lands near the lake shore and part will be exchanged upstream on the provo river for water that presently flows into the lake the replaced provo river water will be stored in the new jJoorrddaannnneaeaeUlnulutteaaeee reservoir to be constructed about 6 miles north of heber city some of the water stored in the 320000 acre foot capacity reservoir will be used for supplemental irrigation near heber city but the greater part will be used for municipal and industrial purposes in utah and salt lake counties benefits of the bonneville unit the bonneville unit will make water available to sustain continued economic and industrial growth and hence population growth in utah by providing 1 about 110000000000aaacccrceraeae fffeeeaaeedttooff water for mmmuuunnniiicrciippaallaanndd ailnnndddueuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaaillll uses enough water to meet the municipal needs of a city of s 500000 people 2 about 22007700o00o00o aacccraea ffebeeeeettt of iirrrrrciiiigbgbaaaattttiiloonn water- ffoorr 333300o00o00o acres of new farm land and 221133000000aaccrreess of oefxeixsistitinngg farm land now periodically short of water the iinncacrreeaassee in iuanngaarggircriicucuulltltutuurrraaalll & i production on these lands will be equivalent in magnitude to the present agricultural production in utah county j7 t 3 A total of aabboouutt113333000000 kilowatts of installed rrcaaapppaaaccciiitttyyy in i project hydroelectric power plants or enough energy to supply Afl the power needs of a city of 110000000000ppeeooppllee f 4 extensive rreeccrreeaattiioonnaalldedveevleoloppmmeennttss on new and eennllaarrggeded reclamation reservoirs A S V W A 5 an increase of about 500 million in assessed property valua-tion a y as a result of the economic growth to be gggeeennneereartraeatdetbedydbbyy bbBooonnnnnnaeevviitltllee unit water y s avvwysryfyf if IaaMmmEke recreation akcfities f anneeilll ft the bbbBoooonnnnnnnneaeeevvvvieiiizdlozlaeee uuUnnniitittwwwiiillllll provide fishing boating water t 3 skiing aannddffaammiillyycacmamppiningg on the nneewv aannddeennllaarrggeeddrreesseerrvvooiirrss yoys oa x ir recreational developments are planned at tthheessSttataarrvrvvaaattiitooionnns strawberry upper ssstttiiiutluwwaaatteteerrrj currant creek jjJJoooorrrrddddaanaannnaeeeelzlllZlzlzeaeaeeess mona and hayes reservoirs 0 and at 15 ssmmaaillllrreesseerrvvooiirrss on tthhaeepprroovvoo river headwaters M sas& repayment of costs a4tt construction costs of the bBbboooonnnnnnnnaeeevvviiZizuIiee unit are eeesssttitimimmaateatdetadedt aatt 445 1 million based on october 1970 prices of this amount about 9g0oz will be 1 repaid to the united states treasury the central utah water conservancy V district has contracted to repay all of the municipal and industrialwwaatteerr costs with interest and part of the irrigation costs the remainder of the reimbursable project costs will be repaid by power revenues from the bbbBoooonnnnnnnnaeeevvviiiztltlzleee unit power plants and from utahs share of power revenues acacru ing to the upper colorado river bbaassiinnfufunndd since benefits will accrue to the general public flood protection and recreation costs are rnneooninmreibmubrusrasabbllee s project administration y the central utah water conservancy district established in11996655 t is the legal aaggeennccyyttoo represent the people of tthhee1122 county area of the project the counties are duchesne garfield juab millard plute 7 J salt lake sSaannppeettee sevier summit uintah utah and wasatch the district will administer the sale and ddeellivivereyroyf of pprroojjeeccttwwwaaatnteeerrr operate and maintain most of the project facilities and has contracted with the US government for repayment of reimbursable costs of the central utah jaiikk project ly r L h aw1w & r IV W I1 IN VW if SALT LAKE dJoOODrRRADNANEELLLLEE I1 CITY RESERVOIR strawberry AQUEDUCT JdOoRrDdAaNn aAaawwUuUPpPPpPEEeRRr stillwater AQUEDUCT RESERVOIR HEBER I1 f1dr0aaa0 RRA CR RES DIAMOND FORK T rnnaaahhr POWER SYSTEM 1I s GOSHEN BAY- A DIKE iippPrnnRoooOvvvVoooO y v PROVO BAY I1 s DIKE DUCHESNE srttawfennr 0 1 l cyhhaayyyeess starvation HAYES a EaNenLlAaRrGgEeDd RESERVOIR RES strawberry 0 RESERVOIR WASATCH AQUEDUCT w ENLARGED MONA iallpp MMOONNAANNEEPPHHII RESERVOIR CANAL & wit NEPHI ppe NNEEPPHHI I- SEVIER CCAANNAALL sever iattfstsftiosee j dDlIeE GUNNISON aa1a LEGEND PIPELINE OR TUNNEL 4 LARGE CANAL A 4 LAND BbEeNnEeFfIiTtTteEdD BBYYPPRROOJJEECCTT irrigation V RICHFIELD 4 4 ppfloorrrr JUNCTION 0 oOrTrTeHn ccart CENTRAL UTAH PROJECT rveaetersss 1 bonneville UNIT |
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