Record Details

page 4

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 4
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 4 application/pdf
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; f6t
krs jA fW utah lake 1.1
utah lake is a vital component of the bboonnnneevviizlzltee unit provo aannd
goshen bays will be separated from the main body of utah lllaaabkkeaeebbybyy dikes
to reduce evapotranspiration losses provo bay dike will be 6665.55 miles
long and will separate the eastern extremity from the lake lllaaannndddssliiinnn
provo bay amounting to about 9000 acres will bbeeddrraaiinneedd aannddrreeccllaaiimmeedd
for agricultural use A canal will be constructed to divert ssttrreeaammfflloowwss
around provo bbaayyttoo the lake bggoooooshhheeennn bay dike will be 5554.44 mmmiiilllleeesssillooilonnnggg and
will separate the southern bbaayyfffsrrrroooommnn the lake goshen bay is not suitable
for reclamation because of its high salt content and heavy texture of the
soil A waterfowl management area is planned for goshen bay if adequate
water can be made available 1
diking of utah llaakkeewwiilillilrerdeduuccee the surface area of the llaakkoae lbiyy
aabboouutt3355 and will result in an evaporation savings of more than 100000
acre feet annually in operation the level of the lake will be maintained
at about its present elevation part of the project water collected in
utah lake will be used for irrigation of lands near the lake shore and
part will be exchanged upstream on the provo river for water that presently
flows into the lake the replaced provo river water will be stored in the
new jJoorrddaannnneaeaeUlnulutteaaeee reservoir to be constructed about 6 miles north of heber city
some of the water stored in the 320000 acre foot capacity reservoir will be
used for supplemental irrigation near heber city but the greater part will
be used for municipal and industrial purposes in utah and salt lake counties
benefits of the bonneville unit
the bonneville unit will make water available to sustain continued
economic and industrial growth and hence population growth in utah
by providing
1 about 110000000000aaacccrceraeae fffeeeaaeedttooff water for mmmuuunnniiicrciippaallaanndd ailnnndddueuussssttttrrrriiiiaaaaillll
uses enough water to meet the municipal needs of a city of
s 500000 people
2 about 22007700o00o00o aacccraea ffebeeeeettt of iirrrrrciiiigbgbaaaattttiiloonn water- ffoorr 333300o00o00o acres of
new farm land and 221133000000aaccrreess of oefxeixsistitinngg farm land now
periodically short of water the iinncacrreeaassee in iuanngaarggircriicucuulltltutuurrraaalll &
i production on these lands will be equivalent in magnitude to
the present agricultural production in utah county j7
3 A total of aabboouutt113333000000 kilowatts of installed rrcaaapppaaaccciiitttyyy in
i project hydroelectric power plants or enough energy to supply Afl
the power needs of a city of 110000000000ppeeooppllee
4 extensive rreeccrreeaattiioonnaalldedveevleoloppmmeennttss on new and eennllaarrggeded
reclamation reservoirs A S

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