Record Details

page 3

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 3
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 3 application/pdf
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; bonneville basin
tTrraannssbbaassiinn diversion A t 11 ya
water will be diverted from strawberry reservoir in the nneewv 6665.55 .44
mile long pressurized syar tunnel through the divide bbeettwweeeenmtcdthhhheaa&uuiinnttaa
and bonneville basins approximately 197600 acre feet of water will
be released annually tthhrroouugghhttdhhheee tunnel including 61000 adccrree feet of j
normal yyiieellddooffthtchheaea strawberry vvaailllleeyypprrdojjeecctt H
power system
tf B
water descending about 2000 feet to the vailley floor will flow iinni
succession through the diamond fork power ppillaannttas syar sixth water and
dyne the plants willhhaavvee a total ggeenneerraattiinnggccaappaacciittyy of about 133000
kilowatts part of the power produced at these plants will be used for
project pumping and the remainder for commercial consumption to help
repay project costs
use of water
strawberry reservoir water rreelleeaasseeddththrorouugghh the power plants during
the nonirrigation season will be stored in either utah lake the 51500 t
acre foot capacity hayes reservoir the enlarged mona rrreeessseeerrrvvvoooiirirsrj or the
existing sevier bridge reservoir sffsoooonrii later use during the irrigation
season sevier bridge reservoir is adequate to store and reregulate the
project water diverted to the sevier river basin summer season releases r
through the power plants will be used directly for irrigation
spanish fork river the 3322 mille ilong wasatch aqueduct thae 24 mille
long mhmooonnnaaannneeaePp hi canal the 27 mille ilong nephi sevier canal aannddtthheae sevier
river will ccoonnvveyeyiirrrriiggaattiioonn wvwaaattteeerrrfrfroomm the ppoowveerr plants and reservoirs to
lands in utah juab millard sanpete and sevier counties
the wwaassaattochh aqueduct will extend southwest from the ddyynnaeepPoowweerr plant
to york ridge mona nephi canal will continue south from york ridge to
nephi during the nnoonniirrrriiggaattiioonnsseeaassoonn some water will be released from
the mona nneepphhii canal for storage in the mona reservoir and during periods
of peak irrigation demand water will be pumped back to the mona nephi
ccaannaadl by the mona pumping plant at nephi water will be pumped by the
nneepphhiippuummppiinngg plant from the mmoonnda nephi canal to the nephi sevier canal
which will continue to the sevier bridge reservoir
mona reservoir will be enlarged to a ttottallcacappaacciittyy of 47000
acre feet by construction of a new dam conn currant creek
municipal anndd industrial water released from jjJooorrrdddaaannnneaeeUnuleaeelerresseerrvvootirr
will be distributed in northern uUutttaaahhhaaannnddd salt lake counties bbyyttchhheee
jordan aqueduct system mMmuuunnniiiccciiipppaaalllaaannnddd industrial water rreelleeaasseeddfrforomm
ssstttrrraaawwabbbeeerrrryy reservoir will be used from sSpprriinnggvviillllee to nephi

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