Record Details

page 245

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 245 Final supplement to the final environmental impact statement : Diamond Fork System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 245
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 245 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 14 features and the affected streams is expected on a daily weekly monthly seasonal etc basis especially critical is how these flow fluctuations will relate to the protection and maintenance of fishery habitat upon which the mitigation plans are based the FS could also be improved by including a water distribution graphic such as has been included in other bonneville unit environmental statements to better display each alternatives expected water use distribution the FS should also more consistently identify the elevation of various features in the diamond fork system no profile has been included in the DS as in other EISs which makes it much more difficult to analyze what projected flows in each alternative are likely to be A more concerted effort should also be made in the text to identify elevations of facilities specific comments NWF makes the following CD specific comments on issues raised within the text of the draft supplement p 6 what is the evidence for the statement that additional agricultural water will reduce outmigration from rural areas to urban areas Is it not the case generally that urban expansion is moving into nural portions of utah county due to population expansion and a general trend toward in migration I 1 to this area of the state p 9 to what extent is the purpose of the 50 cfs cs valve on the strawberry tunnel intake intended to maintain and to what extent enhance the sixth water fishery how will its costs be allocated p 15 the fishery measures should include establishment of minimum and maximum flow rates in the diamond fork river to protect the fishery p 17 18 for the offsite wildlife mitigation plan all parcels are to be managed either by the utah division of wildlife management or the US forest service what arrangements has the bureau made to assure that funding will be assured for the hab habitat tat improvements and the operation and maintenance of these areas 245 2 14 5 05

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