Record Details

page 50

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 50 Final supplement to the final environmental impact statement : Diamond Fork System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 50
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 50 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER 111 III lil lii AFFECTED environment AND environmental consequences sixth water creek creeks operational releases would be made to sixth water creek approximately 2.3 23 23 miles above the three forks area of diamond fork canyon up to 600 cfs cs of project releases would be discharged from last chance powerplant Power plant to sixth water creek no operational releases were to be made to sixth water creek in the 1984 FES plan sixth water to spanish fork river confluence project water discharged to sixth water creek would flow to monks hollow reservoir which would provide peak releases for irrigation of lands in the spanish fork area the reservoir would be filled at the end of each month when sufficient water was available in strawberry reservoir and sufficient capacity was available in 80 cfs cs expected peak daily releases under project conditions for irrigation and municipal and industrial use would b 880 cfs efs es the same as in the 1984 FES plan the maximum recorded historic flow was 1850 cfs cs on may 15 1984 minimum releases would be no less than historic natural flows the diamond fork pipeline would reduce flows below monks hollow by conveying up to 510 cfs cs of the total release to the confluence with the spanish fork river As a result the average longterm long term monthly flow in diamond fork below monks hollow is estimated to be in the 22 to 188 cfs cs range slightly less than in the 1984 FES plan spanish fork river confluence to utah lake A bifurcation structure near the confluence would divert excess pipeline flows to the spanish fork river just above the confluence with diamond fork and the remainder to the iad i&d system the aqueduct would have a capacity of 180 cfs cs at thi point up to 510 cfs cs of pipeline flow could be diverted to the river for downstream users flows of the spanish fork river would be increased due to the deli delt deil delivery very of project water to the spanish fork area and project deliveries to utah lake total flow in the river would be affected by existing diversion structures for power and irrigation there would be no project features constructed on the river which would affect streamflows stream flows the effects of the project would be buffered as a result of the rivers larger natural flow A summary of future without and alternative A flows in diamond fork and spanish fork river for average maximum and minimum yc ycrs ycre rs is shown in table 11 impacts of alternative A on strawberry reservoir utah lake utah valley streams and the jordan river will be discussed in the environmental statement on the iad i&d system 50 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 67 r

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