Record Details

page 11

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 11 Final supplement to the final environmental impact statement : Diamond Fork System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 11
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 11 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER II 11 alternatives near the confluence of diamond fork and the spanish fork river the pipeline would provide considerable enhancement of the diamond fork fishery at the bifurcation part of the water would enter the iad i&d system and the remainder would enter the spanish fork river monks hollow reservoir releases not conveyed in the diamond fork pipeline would enter the diamond fork stream channel below monks hollow dam and subsequently the spanish fork river the water for irrigation of the spanish fork supplemental service lands would be diverted from the river by existing strawberry valley project facilities hydroelectric power could be generated at three proposed flowthrough flow through plants last chance at the terminus of sixth water aqueduct monks hollow at monks hollow dam and diamond fork at the terminus of diamond fork pipeline A portion of the last chance plant would be developed as part of the project while monks hollow diamond fork and the remainder of last chance would be developed only if nonfederal non federal participation becomes available each powerplant power plant constructed would require a switchyard and a substation would be required in spanish fork canyon near the mouth of tank hollow where the powerplants power plants would be connected to the colorado river storage project CRSP interconnected transmission system new transmission lines would be required between the powerplants power plants and the substation As part of the system one new road has been constructed others would be constructed and some existing roads would be improved or replaced to facilitate construction and operation facilities for operation and maintenance would be located at last chance powerplant Power plant recreation fish and wildlife measures would be similar to the 1984 FES if nonfederal non federal financing is obtained potential average annual energy production would be 219000 megawatt hours ewh mwh project facilities and measures syar tunnel syar tunnel about 5.7 57 57 miles mile6 milea long will be a pressure type tunnel 8.5 85 85 feet in diameter with a capacity of 600 cubic feet per second cs cfs A 50 cfs cs valve will be installed in the tunnel to divert flows to the existing strawberry tunnel to provide the capability of maintaining or enhancing the fishery in sixth water creek concrete aggregates in sufficient quantities for 14 lining the tunnel are located in three commercial gravel pits 32 miles from the tunnel near the mouth of spanish fork canyon excavated material from the tunnel will be deposited 1500 feet south of the outlet about 10 acres will be required to dispose of the 175000 cubic yards of material topsoil will be removed from the disposal area and 11 13

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