Record Details

page 26

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 26 Final supplement to the final environmental impact statement : Diamond Fork System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 26
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 26 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER II 11 alternatives approximately 221300 acre feet of water annually 37900 acre feet more than with the recommended plan would be available in strawberry reservoir for bonneville unit and strawberry valley project use after allowing for evaporation losses of 27600 acre acro feet and a decrease in storage of about 5750 acre feet 199200 acre feet would be diverted to the bonneville basin through syar tunnel and 250 acre feet would be available in strawberry reservoir for municipal uses the average annual diversion to the bonneville basin would consist of 137700 acre feet of project water developed in the uinta basin and 61500 acre feet of strawberry project water in addition to the water released through syar tunnel 2800 acre feet of diamond fork flows tributary to spanish fork river would be utilized for project purposes through the spanish fork river exchange the exchange water which is normally tributary to utah lake would be replaced from project water in utah lake after small evaporation losses 800 acre feet from monks hollow reservoir the 199200 acre feet from syar tunnel and the 2800 acre feet from the spanish fork river exchange would be released from the reservoir to the diamond fork pipeline 165500 acre feet and to the diamond fork stream channel 35700 acre feet and subsequently to the spanish fork river the release to the diamond fork channel would range from a maximum of 74100 acre feet to a minimum of 10000 acre feet the pipeline flow would be divided at the mouth of diamond fork canyon with 77900 acre feet entering the iad i&d system and 87600 acre feet discharging to the spanish fork river the discharge to the spanish fork river would range from a maximum of 140200 acre feet to a minimum of 26100 acre feet an annual average of 123300 acre feet of project water would enter the river from diamond fork an average of 13200 acre acce feet of the project water discharged into the river would be diverted for supplemental irrigation for the 47880 acres of presently irrigated lands in the spanish fork area the remaining project water released to spanish fork river would enter utah lake for use by the ma m& mai m&i I 1 and iad i&d systems in addition to the 13200 acre feet released from strawberry reservoir 3000 acre acree feet would be integrated into the spanish fork supplemental supply from existing groundwater ground water development approximately 1600 acre feet of return flow would be reused in the beer creek area and 1000 acre feet of ground water would be purchased the total project supply to the spanish fork area would be 18800 acre acra acee acea feet the annual releases from strawberry reservoir through the syar tunnel and diamond fork system would vary from about 316100 acre feet to about 89600 acre feet with an average of 199200 acre feet based on 193073 1930 73 records operation of the system would vary primarily as the releases vary from season to season and year to year potential generating capacity available for development through nonfederal non federal financing would be 68.5 685 685 MW however average annual energy production would be increased by 27 percent to 278600 mwh ewh 26 J Q BEST COPY AVAILABLE

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