Record Details

page 68

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 68 Final supplement to the final environmental impact statement : Diamond Fork System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 68
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 68 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER 111 III lii AFFECTED environment AND environmental consequences table 23 utah lake salinity leves levels leveis comparison of alternatives 193073 1930 73 condition simulated utah lake TDS egl mgl average maximum minimum historical 11202 1.1202 1120 14660 420 future without project1 project projects 1 1090 6110 460 alternative C 1030 24 2490 0 490 1 assumes full provo river project development the average end maximum TDS values would be reduced if high quality mai m&i return flows entered the lake during the dry periods of the 1930s 2 simulated maximum value resulting from 193435 1934 35 drought fish existing conditions stream fisheries the 1984 FES provided a detailed description of the fishery values of the spanish fork river diamond fork and sixth water creek fifth water creek also was described in the 1984 FES but is not included in this analysis because none of the alternatives would affect this stream estimates of standing crop habitat units and angler use were developed for each stream for both wild and stocked trout in the FES these estimates have been updated and revised in this analysis several stream reaches have been subdivided since the FES analysis to better define the project impacts on streamflows stream flows and to allow impact analysis of specific features reach 2a aa of the spanish fork river is dewatered watered dewaterer de by a major irrigation diversion during the summer while reach 2b ab would contain a substantial amount of water and associated fish habitat with the project that does not presently exist in addition reach 1a aa of sixth water creek would be inundated by monks hollow reservoir under the recommended plan and alternative A while reach IC would be inundated by three forks reservoir under alternative C reaches 1b ab and ID apply to each alternative respectively and extend from each reservoir to fifth water creek reach 2a aa extends to the last chance powerplant Power plant as described in alternatives A and C with reach 2b ab stretching from that point to reach 3 for the recommended plan reach 2b ab was further subdivided reach 2bi abi extends from the upper boundary of reach 2a aa 1.5 15 15 miles upstream to the last chance powerplant Power plant site reach 2b ab extends from the powerplant power plant site to reach 3 the following map depicts the various stream reaches which would be affected estimated existing fishery values of the spanish fork river diamond fork and sixth water creek are presented in tables 24 25 and 26 respectively 68 7 if

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