Record Details

page 3.7-11

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 3.7-11 Finding of No Significant Impact Lake Fork Section 203 Alternative : Proposed Action, page 3.7-11
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 3.7-11 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; JJA 374113 37411.3 374113 4 1 13 1.3 13 H humpback U chub there are no recorded sightings of humpback chubs in the duchesne river or its tributaries tributa ries the historic distribution of the humpback chub is limited to the main stem waters of the colorado river downstream to hoover dam and the main stem green yampa white and little colorado rivers maddux fitzpatrick and noonan 1993 the largest populations are currently found in the grand canyon and black rocks areas of the colorado river and in the little colorado river other smaller populations are present in the colorado green white and yampa rivers in whitewater canyon areas FWS 1990a effects of the proposed action on humpback chubs would be similar to those discussed for color colorado ado pike pikeminnow minnow ni ginnow innow and razorback sucker except effects would woul A arr nrr occur 1 1 r in hl n the green T river at i xt er the proportion of winter flow in the green river contributed by the duchesne river is is small relative to the total green river flow therefore the reduction in winter flow would not eliminate winter refugia for humpback chubs in the green river also only june flows in wet years would be reduced in the critical may to july period the proposed action would have no effect on humpback chubs 37411.4 374114 bonytail bonetail Bony tail chub no sightings of ofbonytail bonytail bonetail bony tail taii tali chubs have been recorded for the duchesne river bonytail bonetail Bony tail chubs were formerly widespread and abundant jordan and evermann 1896 their historical range included all main stem waters of the colorado into colorado green into wyon wyoming dng ang gila verde salt gunnison and yampa rivers maddux fitzpatrick and noonan 1993 bonytails Bony tails currently are restricted to lake mohave and perhaps other lower basin reservoirs FWS 1990b as well as a few canyon reaches of the upper colorado and green rivers most of these fish are more than 40 years old indicating 7 that reproduction andor early survival is greatly impaired or nonexistent effects of the proposed action on bonytail bonetail bony tail chubs would be similar to those listed for the humpback chub implementation of the proposed action would have no effect on bonytail bonetail chub 3741.2 37412 threatened species threatened species identified by the FWS as occurring in the section 203 project area were listed in table 3.71 371 37 1 and are discussed in the following text table 3.74 374 37 374 4 presents the status of each threatened species in relation to each project feature of the proposed action TABLE 3.74 374 37 374 4 threatened species or habitat occurrence for the section 203 proposed action ute ladies uinta basin bald canada feature tresses orchid hookless cactus eagle lynx big sand wash wetland mitigation site big sand wash feeder pipeline and diversion N na n6 6 occ bocc pot habocc habock 3711 37 11 pot hab N na n6 6 ND pot hab pot hab pot hab N na n2 2 N na n2 2 N na n2 2

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