Record Details

page 3.3-5

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 3.3-5 Finding of No Significant Impact Lake Fork Section 203 Alternative : Proposed Action, page 3.3-5
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 3.3-5 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; class 11 II drinking water quality groundwater wll wil with th TDS D levels between 500 and 3000 mgl egl and no contaminant concentrations that exceed primary MCLs groundwater quality in the regional confined aquifer ranges from high to low quality is generally high in the upper northern part of the aquifer close to high quality recharge areas such as the uinta mountains and becomes degraded as the water moves deeper and farther south hood and fields 1978 degradation occurs as groundwater passes through the uinta and duchesne formations which dissolve easily and contribute TDS to the groundwater passing through them thus by the time groundwater discharges in the lower subunit it is saline and contains high TDS concentrations groundwater quality in the regional aquifer however is is not asses assessed seJ AIFL further because it is protected from surface water influences 3331.3 33313 33313 environmental contaminants following is a summary of the baseline findings contained in the environmental contaminants technical report cham ch2m hillhorrocks HILL Horrocks 1996a the report details existing contaminant trace element levels in the project area overall the baseline contaminants data indicate that low elevation areas within the project area are of greatest concern for contaminants exposure and related effects the FWS noted in their comment letter see comment letter no 1 in chapter 4 that based on the data presented we believe that the potential for the project to cause significant contaminant concerns is small 33313.1 333131 333131 contaminants in surface waters trace elements in project area surface waters are 1 generally not detectable and below state and EPA water quality criteria the major canions cations r calcium magnesium potassium and sodium have a broad range of concentrations throughout the area but generally tend to increase from higher to lower elevations reflecting a general increase in conductivity salinity TDS and ionic enrichment at lower elevation sites total suspended sediment nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus and radioactive elements also are higher at low elevation sites baseline trace element concentrations in the lower lake fork river near myton are summarized as flow weighted means in table 3.32 332 33 332 2 for vor por those trace elements with concentrations above the detection lin limit dt only boron and manganese are noticeably higher and consistently exceed detection limits in lower elevation locations selenium was not detected in surface water at any of the lower elevation sites in the project area TABLE 3.32 332 33 332 2 baseline trace element concentrations for the project area annual average concentrations egl mgl water quality constituent lower lake fork river arsenic 0.0039 00039 boron 0.418 0418 cadmium 0.001 0001 chromium 0.001 0001 copper ooi ool 001 0.01 0010 0.010 0 335 33 5

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