Record Details

page 3.4-1

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 3.4-1 Finding of No Significant Impact Lake Fork Section 203 Alternative : Proposed Action, page 3.4-1
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 3.4-1 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 3.4 34 34 aquatic resources 34.1 341 341 introduction this analysis assesses potential impacts on aquatic resources resulting from the construction operation and maintenance of project features associated with the proposed action and alternatives of the section 203 project In stream habitat assessments are based on modeled hydrological conditions expected with the section 203 proposed action and alternatives 34.2 342 342 issues addressed in the impact analysis issues addressed include the following high mountain lakes stabilization conservation pool and fish rearing potential in the enlarged storage reservoir instream In stream flows and habitat for fish channel shaping flows fish passage 34.3 343 343 affected environment 343.1 3431 proposed action lake fork section 203 3431.1 34311 34311 high mountain lakes the four high mountain lakes proposed for stabilization in the upper lake fork river drainage all support fish populations brook trout salvelinlis salvelimis fontinalis are present in all but clements lake while cutthroat trout oncorhynchus clarki are present in all four lakes fishing pressure is heavy on brown duck lake and moderate on clements island and kidney lakes wildlife resources 1981 19811986b 1986b recreational fisheries in the nine high mountain lakes proposed for stabilization in the upper yellowstone river drainage are exclusively for brook trout andor cutthroat trout brook trout are present in each lake while cutthroat trout are present in deer bluebell east timothy five point and superior lakes fishing pressure at most lakes is light to moderate wildlife resources 19811986b except for white miller and water lily lakes which are stable and located in the yellowstone river drainage water levels and aquatic habitat in these 13 lakes decline during summer and early fall as water is released to meet downstream demands flows to outlet streams and their aquatic habitat are reduced or eliminated from late fall through late spring as water entering the lakes is stored for the following year 3431.2 34312 dams and reservoirs the offstream offstrearn off stream big sand wash reservoir which would be enlarged 12000 ac ft under the proposed action supports a popular recreational fishery for trout bass and sunfish it has a conservation pool of 1200 ac ft of water that the state of utah purchased to enhance reservoir fisheries habitat 3431.3 34313 river corridors estimated numbers and distribution of trout species change longitudinally in the lake fork and yellowstone rivers map 3.41 341 34 341 1 shows study reaches on both rivers total trout population estimates for the lake fork river range from more than 341 34 1

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