Record Details

page 2-63

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 2-63 Phase II summary report (final) : Utah Lake water quality, hydrology and aquatic biology impact analysis summary for the irrigation and drainage system--Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 2-63
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 2-63 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; community and diaptomus made up only 8 percent the other major component in provo bay was the copepod cyclops 12 percent while in the rest of the lake at this time they made up only 23 2 3 percent of the total community cladocerans Clado cerans made up less than 1 percent of total community composition in all lake regions provo bay goshen bay and main lake at this time of the year 4 in summer and fall the zooplankton composition underwent a distinct change the major change was a dramatic increase in cladocerans clado cerans in all lake areas in goshen bay and the main lake diaptomus made up 15 to 30 percent of the total community rotifera rotifers Roti fers were high in the summer in these areas 20 to 60 percent but in the fall the rotifers rotifera roti fers made up only 10 to 20 percent of the community in midsummer mid summer july the cladocerans clado cerans especially daphnia made up 15 to 50 percent of the total community the highest numbers were in the main lake north area and the lowest in goshen bay by the fall the cladoceran pseudosida Pseudo sida in both the main lake and goshen bay became the dominant zooplanktor zooplankton comprising 30 to 40 percent of the community 5 the summer and fall zooplankton community in provo bay underwent a similar change in that a cladoceran became the dominant organism ceriodaphnia Cerio daphnia was the dominant organism during the summer 59 percent and fall 44 percent cyclops remained at about the same level in provo bay as in the spring around 1520 15 20 percent diaptomus always made up less than 10 percent of the zooplankton community in provo bay 6 two other significant trends should be mentioned first cyclops had a general increase into the fall and they made up 15 to 20 percent of the total community throughout the year in provo bay and second the area main lake north the northern end of utah lake had very high numbers of daphnia and diaptomus 7 leptodora kindtii kind tii this zooplankton species was rare in all samples the utah division of wildlife resources found it to be an important fish food item we conclude that these zooplankton are in low 263 2 63

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