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Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 2 Diamond Fork System Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, page 2
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 2 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; comment letter no 10 page 2 of 12 related issues in the diamond fork watershed are in the last section diamond fork riparian condition the EIS description of a cottonwood forest with a red osier or thin leafunderstory understory leaf along diamond fork suggests a much moister and more resilient system than actually occurs in fact red osier dogwood is limited to only a few scattered small patches along diamond fork and alder occurs in only one site the lumping of all three main geomorphic segments below monks hollow also obscures the importance of strong differences in geomorphology on cottonwood establishment processes this is important as changes in summer baseflows base flows have the potential to dramatically affect the existing forest without providing for new forest recruitment to explain further I 1 have provided a summary of the riparian condition below monks hollow as supported by three years of actual field data collection mapping of all riparian communities of at least 0.1 01 01 oi acre in size along diamond fork on 112000 1500 aerial photographs 1995 flight with a subsequent 100 field verification of community typing and collection of community composition and structure data in nested plots along surveyed transects A summary of these results can also be found in gecy and gecy 1998 below monks hollow there are three main geomorphic segments segment I 1 1 extends from monks hollow to diamond campground for a streamriparian stream riparian distance of 2.2 22 22 miles segment 2 extends from diamond campground to Brini brinl brimhall hall hali hail canyon and is only 0.8 08 08 miles segment 3 consists of the braided section from brimhall canyon to the pond at the highway junction and consists of 4.5 45 45 miles m iles lles lies the dominant vegetation in segment I 1 1 is the populus ang angustifoliarhus austifolialrhus aromatica aro matica community type dry cottonwood forest it comprises 95 of the segment 1 riparian zone gecy and gecy 1998 this community is characterized by an overstory of populus angustifolia and P acuminata acuminate acu minata with an understory ofthus ofrhus aromatica aro matica the cottonwood trees are mature without serious signs of decadence aboveground above ground stems are aged at 5275 52 75 years but the actual tree age is likely much older as trees were not excavated to their establishment point which is required for accurate aging the major vegetative 11 feature distinguishing 41 this community type from the mature cottonwood forest dominating segment 2 is the dominance of upland species in the understory the dry cottonwood forest is located 68 6 8 feet above the irrigation bankfull stage and there is no possibility of overbank flooding under current or proposed flow regimes segment 2 is somewhat meandering but still consists of an overwidened over widened channel point bars occur on meander bends but there is still an overall narrow active floodplain flood plain the dominant communities are populus ang angustifoliarjius ustifolialrhus aromatica aro matica 50 and variants of the populus angustifolialcornus angustifoliacomus sericea community type 25 referred to as mature cottonwood below as described by padgett et al 1989 seven stands of the mature cottonwood community occur in segment 2 but only I 1 1 stand that at the existing campground site contains a multi layered understory the other sites are variants of this main community type with a mesic herbaceous understory but lacking a well developed shrub layer 1 mature cottonwood stands in the other segments are located 2.7 27 27 feet above it t appears that some of this information may have come from a preliminary draft internal planning memorandum from WWS to trihey &associates if this document is to be used it must be cited as a pne pre dre P me hm arm hrm narv draft and community descriptions derived from the attached community structure data sheets and not surmised from the community type names 2

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