Record Details

page 3-54

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 3-54 Phase II summary report (final) : Utah Lake water quality, hydrology and aquatic biology impact analysis summary for the irrigation and drainage system--Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 3-54
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 3-54 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; the second short term effect will be related to siltation caused by construction ie the dumping of sediment into the lake for dike fill impacts to the littoral communities due to construction related siltation are difficult to assess utah lake is a highly turbid lake and most of the littoral areas of the lake are presently subjeced subjected to a certain amount of natural siltation thus the communities which are extant in these areas are adapted to dealing with this perterbation perturbation perter bation and it is possible that this problem may maybe be a small one on the other hand if the amount and duration of siltation is large it is possible that some communities or organisms could be entirely eliminated or some habitat permanently changed however the effects of siltation are likely to be short term in most areas and most littoral communities will be able to tolerate construction created siltation long term effects it is difficult to predict all long term changes within the littoral communities caused by the diking goshen and provo bays the major longterm long term change will be lost habitat what effect the loss of significant areas of littoral habitat will have on the remaining littoral areas and the lake as a whole is not known it is clear that all habitat types presently occurring in the littoral area of the lake will significantly decrease with diking especially the marsh rocky shore and hardpan habitats qualitative study of changes in littoral communities the potential changes in the littoral communities of utah lake resulting from diking of goshen and provo bays were addressed in the this study first provo bay is is important as littoral habitat for fewer benthic organism species than is goshen bay goshen bay with its rocky eastern shore supports a very diverse benthic community and generally has higher frequencies of fish than provo bay in the qualitative effort the majority of fish collected were found to be correlated with substrate particle size with higher selection for coarse than fine particle sizes because of this provo bay would represent less of a 354 3 54

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