Record Details

page 2-74

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 2-74 Phase II summary report (final) : Utah Lake water quality, hydrology and aquatic biology impact analysis summary for the irrigation and drainage system--Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 2-74
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 2-74 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; found july 11083m2 september 20856m2 and november 2427m2 the hardpan area has lower densities of macro invertebrates macroinvertebrates than either the large or small rubble areas in comparing the hardpan area with the large rubble areas the sediment was significantly different for all samples except the september out sample the macro invertebrate community structure was significantly different from the large rubble sites for all in and out samples over all time periods emergent vegetation sites the goshen bay emergent vegetation site was located on the eastern shore between the hardpan and the large rubble site the macro macroinvertebrate invertebrate community structure for the goshen bay emergent vegetation site was always significantly different than the other emergent sites cluster analysis showed that the goshen bay site was always more similar to the large rubble areas than the other emergent vegetation sites at the goshen bay emergent site the following macroinvertebrate macro invertebrate densities were found july 8813m2 september 46140m 46140m2 2 and november 11777m2 table 2c ac 8 at this site the amphipod hyalella hvalella alella Hv Hy was the dominant organism conclusions from intensive littoral studies from the intensive studies and the work of barnes and toole 1981 we can conclude the following 1 sand communities thoughout throughout though out utah lake are similar in community composition this does not change with location in utah lake 2 the rocky shore areas have high densities of macro macroinvertebrates invertebrates the highest densities associated with large rubble areas 3 although sediment size can have an effect on community composition it appears that with rocky shore and emergent vegetation communities location within the lake is as important as rock size 2 74

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