Record Details

page 3-15

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 3-15 Diamond Fork System Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, page 3-15
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 3-15 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; water 3.3 33 33 water quality 33.1 331 331 introduction this section addresses the potential impact on surface water and groundwater quality that would result from construction and operation of the proposed action and no action alternative the impacts on water quality would result from the transbasin trans basin diversion of water from strawberry reservoir into sixth water and diamond fork creeks and spanish fork river the information and analysis provided in this section was summarized from the spanish fork nephi irrigation system draft environmental impact statement draft hydrology and water resources technical report CUWCD 1998c sediment studyfor study fot for the no monks hollow alternative altemative alterative Altema tive SFN system EIS CUWCD 1997b and the water quality technical memorandumfor memorandum fot for the 1999 diamond fork system FSFEIS FS FEIS CUWCD 1999f the following issues raised during the public scoping process for the spanish fork nephi SFN irrigation system were eliminated from further analysis drinking water standards for diamond fork system water delivered for mai mal exchange this issue was eliminated because local entities are responsible for meeting applicable water quality standards strawberry reservoir operational issues these issues were eliminated because there would be no significant change in the impacts on strawberry reservoir from those addressed in the previous documents the water quality of strawberry reservoirwas Reservoir was previously described in the bonneville unit definite plan report USBR USER 1964 and the diamond fork power system final environmental impact statement USBR USER 1984 those documents indicated that strawberry reservoir water quality was good before it was enlarged except for high nutrient concentrations and resulting eutrophication USBR 1964 19641984 1984 after the enlargement water quality was improved by high nitrate concentrations being diluted from increased inflow to the reservoir and increased storage volume the enlargement had varied effects on other nutrients reducing concentrations during some months and increasing them during others CUWCD 1998b thistle creek water quality the issue of water quality problems in thistle creek that could limit the potential for improvement of spanish fork river below spanish fork diversion dain dam was not directly addressed as thistle creek is not included in the impact area of influence however the effects that thistle creeks water quality has on spanish fork river were indirectly addressed since baseline flows and water quality data incorporate inflow from thistle creek 33.2 332 332 333 issues eliminated from further analysis this section does not address drinking water standards for diamond fork system water delivered for mai mal exchange because local entities are responsible for meeting applicable standards strawberry reservoir operational issues raised during the SFN public scoping process also were excluded from this analysis me the water quality of strawberry reservoir was previously described in the bonneville unit definite plan report USBR USER 1964 and the diamond fork power system final environmental impact statement USBR USER 1984 these documents indicate that before strawberry reservoir was enlarged it had good water quality except for high nutrient concentrations and resulting eutrophication the enlargement improved water quality in strawberry reservoir by diluting the high nitrate concentrations from increased inflow to the reservoir the effect of enlargement on other nutrients varies with reduced concentrations during some months and increases during others the effects of the enlarged strawberry reservoir and inlet bay restructuring on temperatures of water releases also were evaluated due to the position of the rehabilitated inlet structure and the bryants abryants Br bry ery yants ants fork bay eay configuration it is unlikely that water releases would include warmer thermocline water although the potential for a mixed condition 315 3 15 diamond fork system FSFEIS FS FEIS

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