Record Details

page S-5

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page S-5 Diamond Fork System Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, page S-5
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format S-5 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; maior major areas of concern three forks l dam would be 60 feet high and constructed at three forks about 10 miles upstream from the confluence of diamond fork creek and spanish fork river the dam would include a 560 cfs cs outlet to the intake of diamond fork pipeline and a 250 cfs cs outlet to diamond fork creek three forks reservoir would have a total capacity of 430 acre feet at normal water surface elevation 5582 feet and a surface area of 14 acres 8 acres at minimum pool the reservoir would fluctuate a maximum of 27 feet daily to regulate irrigation and strearnflow streamflow stream flow releases from sixth water aqueduct the existing diamond fork pipeline would be extended from its current upstream terminus about 2.7 27 27 miles to the outlet of the proposed three forks dam the extension 560 cfs cs capacity would be routed along diamond fork road on the north side of the creek the spanish fork river outlet would be the same as for the proposed action s4 sa major areas of concern several areas of concern and issues were raised the impact analysis contained in chapter 3 of this FSFEIS FS FEIS deals with the following issues 0 flows in creeks and rivers 0 changes in sediment loads in diamond fork system water 0 water quality of releases from strawberry reservoir 0 wetlands and riparian habitat 9 wildlife habitat 0 aquatic life from changes in strearnflows streamflows stream flows 9 threatened endangered and other species of special concern recreation use fishing hunting hiking horseback riding sightseeing 0 changes in roadless area classifications and characteristics 0 visual quality of the area s5 sa major impact conclusions s51 proposed action s511 s5jj water resources monthly average flows in sixth water and diamond fork creeks above red hollow would be extremely constant under the proposed action except for peak natural runoff conditions flows would be near minimum levels 25 cfs cs winter and 32 cfs cs summer on sixth water creek and 60 cfs cs winter and 80 cfs cs summer on diamond fork creek compared to baseline flows winter and early spring proposed action flows in sixth water creek above sixth water aqueduct would be increased by a maximum of 333 percent or 21 cfs cs below sixth water aqueduct late spring and summer flows in sixth water creek under the proposed action would be decreased by a maximum of 88 percent or 250 cfs cs compared to baseline the proposed action would increase winter flows and decrease summer flows in diamond fork creek monthly average flows under the proposed action in diamond fork creek below diamond fork creek outlet would be a S 5 diamond fork system FSFEIS FS FEIS

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