Record Details

page 178

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 178 Final supplement to the final environmental statement, Municipal and Industrial System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project : Summit, Wasatch, Utah, and Salt Lake Counties, Utah, page 178
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 178 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; attachment F COMMENTS AND RESPONSES ON THE DRAFT supplement TO THE FINAL environmental STATEMENT the people of kamas have 3000 acre feet of water stored in deer creek reservoir that is going to be moved up to the jordanelle Jor danelle reser voir this is exchange water and is of little value unless the work on the upper lakes is completed public hearing response we recognize the concern of the water users with regard to the lake stabilization program especially now after the failure of the trial lake dike design data collection activities are scheduled to begin in fiscal year 1987 construction work on stabilization of the upper provo river reservoirs is scheduled to begin in fiscal year 1993 after completion of the jordanelle Jor danelle dam jordanelle Jor danelle dam must be completed before storage in these reservoirs can be transferred while we recognize the desire and need for early stabilization of these dams reclamations construction and funding schedule will not permit action until after the jordanelle Jor danelle dam has been completed water conservation water conservation concerns were expressed by two entities the environmental protection agency and the intermountain water alliance issue 73 the goal of water conservation is to promote the wise use of a scarce resource and reduce the need for stream depletions documentation in the final supplement for the mai m&i system is requested for the follow ing a methods available to reduce the demand for transbasin cransbasin trans Crans basin diversions b goals of the future conservation plan and c the implementation process which will be followed to ensure that the goals are achieved this process must be thoroughly documented in the final supplement and the necessary commitments ensuring that the process is completed must be included in the record of decision for the final supplement and referenced in the associated mgt 404 permit stipulations see letters 5 and 16. 16 lg ig response 73a the bureau of reclamation is presently studying water conservation measures as a part of the wasatch front total water management study the primary goal of the study is to identify opportunities tuni ties which includes water conservation for assisting water management organizations to use their water resources more efficiently in future years water conservation methods that are receiving consideration are 1 water reuse 2 increasing the price of domestic water to encourage more efficient use 3 installing water conserving features in new homes 4 educational programs to promote the wise use of water 178

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