Record Details

page 121

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 121 Regional director's report of February 1951 on Central Utah Project, Utah : a supplement to The Colorado River Storage Project Report, page 121
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Source United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Region 4
Publisher Brigham Young University
Date 2005-10-13
Format 121 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; CHAPTER VII vil VI I 1 agriculture AGRICUI LTURE class 2 these lands are moderately suitable for irrigation they fail to meet one or more of the soil topographic and drainage requirements for class 1 lands thus they are lower in productivity than class 1 lands and are generally more costly to farm class 3 class 3 lands are of restricted suitability for irriga irriza tion having more extreme soil topographic or drainage limitations than class 2 lands these lands may my be adapted however to the growing of specialty crops class 4 lands in this class are excessively deficient in one or more respects they do however have a specific utility which warrants their development all class 4 lands included in the project area have been shown by special studies to be adaptable to either fruit orchards 4 F or to pasture ap 4p class 5 these lands are temporarily nonproductive as they are inadequately drained or contain an excessive accumulation of salts with corrective measures however the lands could be made to meet the standards of higher land classes class 6 lands in class 6 are permanently nonarable honarable non arable arable areas not susceptible to irrigation because of their isolated location or other reasons and some class 3 band 4and hand 4 and 5 lands not segregated into the various classes in the investigations results of classification acreages of nonirrigated and inadequately irrigated lands that would be served under the comprehensive development are shown in the following tabulation area to be benefited acres presently new area irrigate irrigated rl land total bonneville basin 135500 147500 293000 uinta basin 104400 52500 156900 total 239900 200000 439900 V zv 17 an additional 77200 acres in the uinta basin with a prior water right may way nay be incidentally benefited through water exchanges acreages that would be irrigated under the initial phase are shown by I 1 land and class in the table on the following page lands tabulated as unclassified are in localities where reconnaissance classifications have been made but where specific tracts for project development have not 121

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