Record Details

page 112

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 112 Final supplement to the final environmental statement, Municipal and Industrial System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project : Summit, Wasatch, Utah, and Salt Lake Counties, Utah, page 112
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 112 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; attachment A WETLAND ANALYSIS more fully provide for in kind compensation of wetland losses As a result of the EPA request reclamation has committed to reanalyze the wetland mitigation plan using a habitat based analysis this analysis will be done in cooperation with the involved agencies elements which will be considered in the revised plan are discussed below B jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir As compensation for wetland losses the proposed jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir at active capacity would have a surface area of about 3068 acres the average surface area would be about 2539 acres most of the reservoir area a lacustrine ecosystem would be classified as deep water or limnetic habitat fish and wildlife service 1979 some of the shoreline or littoral area of the reservoir could be classified as lacustrine littoral wetland according to the fish and wildlife service 1979 definition the littoral wetland would extend from the shoreward boundary of the system to a depth of about 6.6 66 66 gg feet with this definition the proposed jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir would provide a littoral wetland measuring about 103 acres at the average water surface elevation however it is estimated that only about two thirds or 69 acres of this amount would be included in the corps of engineers definition of littoral wetlands those shoreline areas on the north and east ends of the reservoir with gentle flat gradients EPA and others who commented on the draft supplement were opposed to the concept that wetland values be attributed to the littoral area of jordanelle Jor danelle reservoir their contention was that due to the highly fluctuating nature of the reservoir there would be no significant development of emergent vegetation along the fringe of the reservoir while this may be true reclamation still contends that both the limnetic and littoral habitats in the reservoir would provide partial com pensation sensation pensa tion for some lost wetland values these potential values are as follows 1 flood prevention the dam and reservoir would be designed with a surcharge capacity of about 12800 acre feet for flood control this would exceed the temporary flood retention benefits exhibited by the existing wetlands and flood plain 2 water quality protection the reservoir would be managed to minimize water quality problems within the reservoir itself and to improve the downstream water quality of the provo river and deer creek reservoir adherence to the proposed water quality management plan would replace the filtering value of the existing wetlands sediments nutrients and heavy metals would be better controlled with the reservoir in place 3 wildlife habitat the littoral habitat of the proposed reservoir would provide replacement breeding and feeding habitats for water oriented species such as waterfowl shore and wading birds and furbearers fur bearers the open water areas would provide resting areas for many 112

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