Record Details

page 214

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 214 Final supplement to the final environmental statement, Municipal and Industrial System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project : Summit, Wasatch, Utah, and Salt Lake Counties, Utah, page 214
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 214 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; letter 12 office of the mayor and city council mayor council members hal taylor aames james doilney voilney ann G macquoid kristen S rogers jim santy jordanelle JOR DANELLE RESERVOIR COMMENTS tom Sh ellenberger the following comments are in in response to the draft supplement to the environmental statement for the Jor jordarielle jordanelie Jord darielle anelie anelle reservoir park citys cites support of the Jor jordanelie jordanelle Jord anelie danelle anelle has always been with the understanding that recreation facilities would be provided in in association with the reservoir construction the need for summer oriented and water based recreational facilities conveniently located to park city and the wasatch front is is x ell well weli weil eil documented also attracting summer visitors to our area is is an important goal for our city whatever recreational facilities are installed at Jor jordanelie jordanelle Jord anelie danelle analie will have an impact on park citys cites citv cita s economy we would like that impact to be positive vith with these goals in mind we have prepared four catagories catagones categories cata eata gories gones sones gorles of comments and recommendations for your review they include links from park city to Jor jordanelie jordanelle Jord anelie danelle anelle reservoir the provo river and deer creek reservoir recreational facilities to be located around Jor jordanelle jordanelie Jord anelie danelle reservoir access to the provo river corridor and comments general fo to all facilities 1 links from park city to Jor jordanelie jordanelle Jord anelie danelle reservoir the provo river and deer creek reservoir a park city is committed to the development of a comprehensive parks and trails system over the past several vears years we have constructed a major bi ketay spine along silver creek from main street to the schools located along utah highway 248 that spine is ib planned to continue east paralleling utah itah highway 248 south of the railroad tracks to the junction unction of IS LS 40 0 O we would request that as part of the reservoir construction conff consf ruction a bi leway separated from the highway be constructed from the junction of LS US 40 L & 2 48 248 .48 48 to 0 o Jor jordanelie jordanelle Jord anelie danelle anelle reservoir along the provo river and to ln deer creek reservoir cu 1 b As part of the keetley road improvements the rity city alty iii ill i 1 L cl be requesting hikingmountain hiking mountain bike access along the to road depending upon the proposed land uses in in this area this trail may be a paved and separated bike bikeiav tay we would suggest that paved bikeway bikeiriv bike bikh iriv connections separated from the highway be constructed between th rhe the reservoir and keetley road park city municipal corporation 445 marsac avenue PO P 0 box 1480 park city UT 84060 801 6499321 649 9321 214

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