Record Details

page 3-209

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 3-209 Diamond Fork System Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, page 3-209
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 3-209 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; mitigation and monitoring the following analysis is based on information in the terrestrial wildlife and vegetation impact analysis and mitigation recommendations for alternatives A B and C 1989 option 2 diamond fork system supplement to november 1987 and february 1989 team reports for the modified diamond fork power system plan december 1989 prepared by interagency wildlife mitigation team the FWS revised the distribution of terrestrial mitigation credits in their february 21 211997 1997 memorandum the diamond fork system plan prepared by the mitigation team was the recommended plan described in the final supplement to the final environmental impact statement USBR USER 1990 the plan included syar tunnel sixth water aqueduct system monks hollow dam and reservoir several powerplants power plants and associated switchyards switch yards and substations sub stations diamond fork pipeline and new recreation sites permanent habitat losses for this plan totaled 438 acres and temporary losses were estimated at 132 acres based on the habitat evaluation procedure HEP the net mitigation requirement for the recommended plan was 4103 acres of the two options considered inside and outside the impact area of influence the team chose the outside mitigation option based on this recommendation the federal government purchased lands to mitigate habitat impacts that were predicted but never occurred from the 1990 proposed diamond fork system A total of 3782 acres 3309 HEP units were acquired to offset anticipated impacts documented in the 1990 FSFEIS FS FEIS the majority of the predicted habitat impact 359 acres involved the monks hollow dam and reservoir powerplants power plants switchyards switch yards and substations sub stations and new recreation sites this habitat impact has been avoided under the revised diamond fork system as described in chapter 1 of this FSFEIS FS FEIS the total estimated permanent wildlife habitat loss under the current proposed action is only 3.8 38 38 acres and the temporary impact is only 53.3 533 533 acres these impacts are far less than those predicted for the 1990 diamond fork system features which have been eliminated from consideration the red hollow management area is one area acquired under the mitigation plan this area alone contains about 152 acres of critical winter range for moose and 64 acres for mule deer this acreage by itself exceeds the impact of the proposed action 32041.2 320412 320412 monitoring CUWCD will conduct a survey to determine if black bear exist in the impact area of influence any black bear found will be radio tagged and monitored to determine what effect if any project construction is having on their habits thejoint the joint lead agencies will closely coordinate with the utah division of wildlife resources regarding preconstruction surveys for black bear and dens within the project area in addition UDWR will be closely involved with monitoring of any black bear during project construction if black bear are found during preconstruction pre construction surveys or during construction monitoring should continue for a minimum of five years following construction completion to determine potential longterm long term effects of construction or operation disturbances on black bear any black bear sightings should be reported to the utah division of wildlife resources construction preconstruction pre surveys will be conducted to determine the presence of migratory bird nests along construction corridors to the extent feasible project related activities that may disturb identified nest sites should be scheduled to avoid the active nesting and brooding periods 3204.2 32042 32042 no action alternative 32042.1 320421 320421 330421 mitigation no additional wildlife habitat mitigation will be require required cL the permanent loss of 30.1 301 acres of habitat is less than would have occurred if monks hollow dam and reservoir had been built see section 32041 3204.1 3204 320.4 32041 3204 1 3209 3 209 diamond fork system FSFEIS FS FEIS

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