Record Details

page 2-93

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 2-93 Phase II summary report (final) : Utah Lake water quality, hydrology and aquatic biology impact analysis summary for the irrigation and drainage system--Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 2-93
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 2-93 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; in the larval stage in utah linam 1965 collected larvae the first two weeks of january from a source being drained by the property owner at another source larvae were collected until december these observations indicate that some larvae could probably survive the winter on utah marshes overwintering Over wintering adults probably occupy rodent burrows or other sheltered areas similar to C tarsalis marsalis tar salis adult females are severe biters especially in the late afternoon and at dusk adult females actively biting humans have been observed in great numbers on the marshes in salt lake county in early november glen C collett personal communication C g ervthrothorax erythrothorax bites often produce severe reactions on hosts generally nonreactive non reactive to mosquito bites personal observations robert N winget and glen C collett culiseta Culi seta inornata incornata inor nata the larvae of culiseta Culi seta inornata incornata inor nata occupy a wide range of habitat types that are commonly associated with C tarsalis marsalis tar salis in semipermanent semi permanent or permanent waters figure 2c ac 3 shows the extensive areas on which C inornata incornata inor nata have been found in around utah lake culiseta Culi seta inornata incornata inor nata have several generations per year peak production of larvae occurs in the spring and early fall with less activity in the middle of the summer this mosquito is one of the 3 most abundant species of mosquito in utah county the female passes the winter in hibernation emerging with the first warming days in the spring the female is generally reluctant to feed on humans but when present in relatively high numbers can be a nuisance harmston and lawson 1967 reported precipitation analysis of blood meals of engorged females showed 95 percent of the mosquitoes contained blood of mammals and about 4 percent contained blood of birds cattle blood was present in 79 percent of the engorged mosquitoes horse blood in 12 percent rabbit blood in 2 percent and blood of unknown mammals in about 1.5 15 15 percent they reported the results of two I 1 1 hour evening biting collections on humans in which females of C inornata incornata inor nata comprised 20 percent of the total mosquitoes collected these collections were made along the wasatch front utah 2 93

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