Record Details
Field | Value |
Title | page 3-170 Diamond Fork System Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, page 3-170 |
Coverage | Electronic reproduction; |
Format | 3-170 text/PDF |
Rights | Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public |
Language | English; eng; en |
Relation | Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; cultural resources no archaeological sites historic properties or isolated artifacts were found during a recent survey BYU 1998 of 31 drill hole locations along the proposed tunnel and pipeline routes all drill locations were examined in a low level helicopter reconnaissance 20 sites were examined in detail on the ground and the area between the drill sites was walked and examined 313.6 3136 3136 impact analysis 3136.1 31361 methodology previous reports were reviewed to determine the possible occurrence of cultural resources in the impact area of influence 3136.2 31362 31362 significance 0iteria criteria citeria for this evaluation impacts on cultural resources are considered significant if the resource is eligible for inclusion in the national register of historical properties NRHP or has already been listed ultimately significance or eligibility would be determined by the lead federal agency in consultation with the state historic preservation office SHPO and the keeper of the NRHP the lead federal agency in consultation with the SHPO and the advisory council on historic preservation ACHP determines any impacts and treatment planning related to these resources if the eligibility of a site is not determined it is assumed for the purpose of this analysis that the site is eligible impacts to cultural resources are considered significant if either of the following were to occur disturbance or alteration of site surface andor features excavation burial or inundation of any cultural resource that is listed in or is eligible for nomination to the NRHP or the utah register alteration of surrounding topographic or cultural features that adversely affects the feeling setting or association of a significant site 3136.3 31363 31363 potential impacts eliminated from further analysis none 3136.4 31364 31364 proposedaction proposed action 31364.1 313641 313641 impacts during construction no impacts are expected because the site densities in the area are low the S SOPs OPs chapter 1 section 178.8 1788 1788 require that all disturbed areas receive a detailed class 111 III lil lii cultural inventory before construction and appropriate steps taken if significant sites are found each spanish fork river diversion to be modified would also be examined to determine historical significance 31364.2 313642 313642 impacts during operation none 31364.3 313643 313643 impact summary no impacts are expected to occur 3136.5 31365 31365 no action alternative same as for the proposed action diamond fork system FSFEIS FS FEIS 3170 3 170 |
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