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page 12

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 12 Diamond Fork System Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, page 12
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 12 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; comment letter no 12 page 12 of 13 SFN comments page twelve the possibility of installing electrical raceways rac eways in the tunnel system to reduce these impacts 23.4 234 234 the discussion of impacts of the propo apropo proposed sed action on the colorado river should be expanded to include an analysis of salinity impacts it is likely the proposed action will increase salinity concentrations in the colorado river which must be mitigated by the federal government the extent of these impacts and the cost of mitigation should be included in the DEIS 32632.1 326321 326321 this section as well as table 3.25 325 32 325 5 are examples where data on use of the strawberry tunnel for irrigation flows has not been incorporated into the analysis this section and the accompanying table should also separate salt creek from salt creek ditch and identify streams flows in each additionally flows for the lower spanish fork river should be broken out and analyzed by reach 32632.1 326321 326321 the hydrology technical report claims to have analyzed the impact of sprinkler irrigation conversion and canal rehabilitation elements of the east juab water efficiency project on groundwater and return flows however it would be useful to include a better explanation of this methodology and the results of these calculations in the main DEIS document additionally it may be useful to evaluate the environmental consequences of future sprinkler conversions as well the policy of the state of utah does not allow the state engineers office to evaluate the impacts of efficiency improvements on a particular parcel of land on a limited scale such a policy may have minimal consequences however within a closed dosed basin such as the utah lake drainage basin there may be significant impacts on returns flows springs groundwater and lake levels from an areawide area wide program of efficiency improvements in irrigation practices the DEIS should address this issue 335.1 3351 3351 the aquatics technical report indicates that turbidity in the upper spanish fork river is limiting trout production in this portion of the river yet the analysis in this section does not evaluate maximum standards for turbidity nor the exact relationship between this turbidity and the health of the fishery this may indicate that the methodology in this section needs refinement we also think that ongoing TDML clean water act studies of the spanish fork river drainage may provide useful information in this regard which should be incorporated into the DEIS 3363.3 33633 33633 this section could also be improved by incorporating sediment data on the mainstem mainster main stem of the spanish fork river currently being gathered by the study mentioned above 34634.1 346341 346341 purchasing restoring and protecting a 102 acre parcel near burraston ponds may represent an excellent wetland mitigation plan for the proposed action however in para 3 it is implied that merely purchasing this parcel with 7080 70 80 acres of existing wetlands will serve to mitigate for wetland losses it is our understanding that purchasing existing wetlands does not satisfy wetland mitigation requirements other restoration and protection elements must be involved this is a complex topic and needs further clarification in this section 35631.2 356312 356312 para 4 it is indicated here that reptile dens will be protected by having the

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