Record Details

page 2-76

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 2-76 Phase II summary report (final) : Utah Lake water quality, hydrology and aquatic biology impact analysis summary for the irrigation and drainage system--Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, page 2-76
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 2-76 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 4 the goshen bay shore is highly diverse in habitat types and supports high densities of macro invertebrates the rocky shore and emergent vegetation area communities are significantly different from others of utah lake As barnes and toole 1981 pointed out the standing crop of the amphipod hvalella hyalella alella Hv Hy found along the eastern rocky shore area of goshen bay is among the highest ever reported in the invertebrate literature the present intensive study reconfirms confirms re these findings 5 the rocky littoral habitats have the highest diversity and densities of organisms when compared to all other habitat types sampled table 2c ac 7 dominant rocky habitat organisms collected were hvalella hyalella alella aiella alelia Hv Hy azteca amphipod leeches helobdella Hel obdella stagnalis stag nalis erpobdella Erp obdella punctata punctate punct ata and dina parva caddisflies caddis flies polvcentropus polycentropus sp and Hydro hydropsyche hvdropsvche psyche sp mayflies may flies tricorythidae chironomidae limpet snails gastropoda sponge and bryozoa all rocky areas had similar benthic communities in terms of species present but the community structure varied with lake location the rocky shore communities on the western shore of goshen bay were significantly different from those rocky shore areas along the eastern shore 6 the eastern shore goshen bay littoral sites had higher densities of benthic organisms the knolls western side had a higher diversity of organisms table 2c ac 7 this is partially explained by the large concentrations of Hv Hy alella aiella at the goshen bay sites table 2c ac 3 organisms which rely upon currents for feeding such as the caddisfly caddishly caddis fly and hydropsyche Hydro psyche were more abundant at the knolls site 7 small rubble sites had significantly fewer numbers of benthic organisms than the large rubble sites table 2c ac 7 also the importance of lake location was demonstrated there were always significant differences in community structure between the small rubble sites figure 2c ac 2 8 the hardpan area around lincoln point figure 2c ac 2 had invertebrate densities lower than the other rocky sites this is 2 276 76

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