Record Details

page 222

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 222 Final supplement to the final environmental statement, Municipal and Industrial System, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project : Summit, Wasatch, Utah, and Salt Lake Counties, Utah, page 222
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 222 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; IWA page 2 b second the great basin flora and fauna are rather distinct and unique from those of the colorado river basin wetlands areas of salt lake utah summit wasatch juab and san pete counties have been habitat for the western spotted frog rana pretiosa preciosa pret iosa this frog does not occur in the colorado plateau and drainage the wetlands and riparian habitat that will be lost due to the jordanelle Jor danelle dam will not be compensated for by the mitigation with respect to the western spotted frog FB turner 1962 an analysis of geographic variation and distribution of rana pret pretfosa prettpsa iosa fosa in am philosophical society year book pages 325328 325 328 noted that thi t the utah populations and particularly those in summit county are morphologically distinct from those in nevada and idaho the jordanelle Jor danelle project will continue the long process of wetlands destruction along the wasatch front and the lost of habitat for great basin restricted species thus intermountain water alliance recommends a thorough wetlands and riparian habitat analysis of the entire impacted areas as proposed by the central utah project in the bonneville basin of the great basin this includes more than listing the plants found in the wetlands and includes more than those areas that will be destroyed by the project features if the bureau of reclamation is completing a total water management plan for the wasatch front it should also complete a total wetland and riparian habitat analysis of the wasatch front which would include the location of all amphibian breeding habitat and late summer range the identification of all mollusks and the collection of representative representdtive numbers for museums and the collection OF O F representative numbers of leechs often the top predator in the food chain in the wetlands this survey would include three visits to each wetlands and riparian habitat during the summer we have often heard from the bureau of reclamation that because this project is so big it should not be expected to be concern with all the wildlife thus we see that the bureaus only concern is with endangered species and hunted species and fished species yet the destruction continues on as species are eliminated from wide ranges of their habitat such policies in the past have lead to the extinction of rana onca in the virgin river drainage and may have led to the large reduction of all ranidae in that drainage JE platz in status report for rana onca cope august 1984 as prepared for the office of endangered species US fish and wildlife service included with this letter is a report on the western spotted frog and its lost populations along the wasatch front and some observations on mollusks and leeches associated with the wetlands until the status of this frog and all amphibians is known intermountain water alliance strongly opposes the wildlike compensation and mitigation plan for the jordanelle Jor danelle project of the central utah project we see a certain habitat type being lost and there is no compensation and no inventory to even know what species are being lost please send me all biological inventory data on your wetlandsriparian wetlands riparian habitat inventories further please keep me posted on all efforts to do a wasatch front inventory of the wetlands and riparian habl habitats tats if we can be of any assistance in this effort please let us know S siftcfinely tacerel ta cerel Y aj yj peter hovingh 222 a cn 0 Q a m

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