Record Details

page 65

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 65 Final Report : Survey and Evaluation of Archeological and Historical Resources, Central Utah Project, 1977 ..., page 65
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 65 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; SURVEY methodology the survey methodology was varied to fit the situation in the cases where a probability probabilit y s sample sampie amp I 1 be reconnaissance survey was called for in the contract pariette riette parlette fariette Pa bench towanta lowanta flat rock creek little valley farm creek a sample of the target area was selected and intensively surveyed the sample size and the size of the sample unit were varied depending on the field situation in the cases where intensive survey was called for in the contract leland bench west ouray wissiup waterfowl management area the entire area was covered on foot with an interval of thirty meters or less between crew members with the thirty meter interval each crew member was responsible for a strip fifteen meters wide on either side of his path ideally this interval was always maintained but crew members did vary the interval in order to examine objects or promising locations which they had sighted when an archeological archaeological arche ological or historical site was located the crew would stop and prepare a site inventory form no cultural material was collected during the survey observations on the nature and the quantity of the cultural material were noted on the site inventory forms the locations of recent sheep camps corrals and isolated finds were recorded on the topographic maps but site inventory forms were not prepared for such finds when an isolated find was made the entire crew would carefully examine the area around the find if less than three artifacts or ten flakes were found within a radius of thirty meters of the find the material was recorded as an isolated find leland bench complex the leland bench complex consisting of approximately 20000 acres was intensively surveyed between april 4 and september 27 by a crew which ranged in size from three to six persons 244 person days were re quired quiren the area was covered in north south and east west transects working between roads or topographic features with the aid of brunton compasses and flagging it was possible to keep the transects reasonably straight and 65

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