Record Details
Field | Value |
Title | page 27 Final Report : Survey and Evaluation of Archeological and Historical Resources, Central Utah Project, 1977 ..., page 27 |
Coverage | Electronic reproduction; |
Format | 27 text/PDF |
Rights | Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public |
Language | English; eng; en |
Relation | Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 27 the eroded plain lying between the green river and a hogback at the utah colorado state line relief in the area is about 300 feet and never over 500 feet in places ashley creek is flanked by three gravel capped quaternary terraces west of asphalt ridge to roosevelt and north of the valleys of the white river and the duchesne river to the foot of the mountains is the central badlands district 2 pediments sediments Pedi ments extending from the foot of the uinta mountains transect gently dipping duchesne river strata broad dissected benches with badlands along their edges are common to the south leland bench and the bench north and northwest of ouray are typical examples see figure four the tavaputs Tava puts plateau district 3 is the largest of the six topographic districts on the north it is bordered by the valleys of the duchesnestrawberry Duchesne Strawberry river and the white river the plateau rises from north to south until it reaches its highest point at the badlands cliffs just north of argyle creek and nine mile creek this is an area of considerable relief with broad inter fluves flaves separated by deeply incised stream channels and washes even the large stream channels carry little water flash floods are responsible for most of the erosion most of the tavaputs Tava puts plateau is immediately underlain by uinta formation beds bads which are cream or light gray in color the earlier green river formation outcrops in deeply incised drainages on the south and in the west the upper duchesne river plateau 4 lies north of the duchesnestrawberry Duchesne Strawberry river and south of the foothills of the uinta mountains it extends from roosevelt on the east to the highlands east of strawberry reservoir relative to the tavaputs Tava puts plateau relief is low and the topography is more fine grained since most of the area is underlain by the bright red duchesne river formation there is a marked color change from the tavaputs Tava puts plateau to the upper duchesne river plateau in general this is an area of shallow valleys separated by either plateau remnants or broad benches the benches are pediments sediments pedi ments which slope gently to the south and are covered with quaternary gravels alluvial fans may occur where small drainages enter major streams terraces similar to those of the ashley valley occur in places along major streams these terraces are capped with gravels and quartzite boulders which were derived from the precambrian core of the uintas cintas the green river district 5 includes the narrow alluvial plain of the green river the valley of the white |
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