Record Details
Field | Value |
Title | page 3-31 Final environmental impact statement on the Provo River Restoration Project, page 3-31 |
Coverage | Electronic reproduction; |
Format | 3-31 text/PDF |
Rights | Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public |
Language | English; eng; en |
Relation | Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; would be impacted for 2 years until the emergent marsh areas are restored to a functioning state excavation of the new channel and placement of fill in emergent marsh wetlands for construction of new setback set back floodplain flood plain dikes would permanently eliminate 0.8 08 08 acres of emergent marsh highly rated wetland functions that would be eliminated include groundwater discharge wildlife diversity and heritage I 1 an estimated 4.3 43 43 acres of emergent marsh would be created over an estimated three years within constructed wetlands and around the perimeter of open water ponds under the proposed action the estimated acreage was calculated from the conceptual layout see map A 5 in pocket at the back of ofeis obeis EIS els these pond and emergent marsh sizes and locations are conceptual therefore the actual acreage could be different after final design wetland functions such as water treatment sediment stabilization and wildlife and aquatic habitat would develop as these wetlands mature into functioning ecosystems 3463.3 34633 34633 riparian woodland about 13.3 133 133 acres 42 4.2 42 percent of riparian woodland and an additional 973 mature cottonwood trees would be permanently lost when dikes are removed and the existing river channel is abandoned during construction of the proposed action during final design impacts on cottonwood trees would be avoided when feasible which would likely reduce the number of mature cottonwood trees impacted to less than 800 highly rated wetland functions that would be impacted include sediment stabilization wildlife diversity and heritage about 25 2510 251.0 1.0 10 lo io acres of riparian woodland habitat would be created naturally along the banks of the new river channel and on about 50 percent of the 2 year floodplain flood plain for a net increase of 237.7 2377 acres 75 percent compared to baseline under the operation of jordanelle danelle Jor reservoir the 2 year floodplain flood plain would be inundated every other year at average flow depths ranging from 0.1 01 01 oi to 0.5 05 05 feet and average velocities ranging from 0.5 05 05 to 1.5 15 feet per second topographic variations eg depressions traces of abandoned channels and obstructions such as trees would cause localized areas of greater depths and velocities the assumption was made that these flows would develop soil and hydrology conditions to support natural recruitment of cottonwood and willow species it would take an 3 estimated 15 to 30 years for cottonwood trees to mature to levels comparable to existing trees being removed however cottonwood recruitment would occur incrementally over a number of overbank flood cycles resulting in a riparian zone of various heights and stages of development rather than a strip of vegetation that is all similar in age and development as presently exists creation of a successional riparian zone would produce a complex riparian vegetation zone with diverse wildlife and aquatic habitats in the long term 3463.4 34634 34634 shrub wetland A total of 3.9 39 39 acres of shrub wetland would be removed or disturbed during construction of the proposed action short term lau ian iau impacts ianpacts pacts include removal or disturbance of vegetation soils and hydrology during construction of the new river channel floodplain flood plain and setback dikes after construction is completed the impacted areas would be restored under the SOPs described in section 19.6 196 of chapter 1 highly rated wetland functions including sediment stabilization and wildlife habitat values would be impacted during construction and until the shrub wetland areas are restored over 3 to 5 years A total of 3.9 39 39 acres of shrub wetland would be permanently removed when existing dikes are removed and the existing river channel is abandoned construction would remove dogwood willows and herbaceous understory vegetation primarily in reaches 3 through 6 highly rated functions of these shrub wetlands sediment stabilization and wildlife diversityabundance diversifyabundance diversity diversify abundance would be eliminated during construction of the proposed action an estimated 9.6 96 96 gg acres of new shrub wetlands would likely establish on point bars and terraces as the new channel develops into a functioning river system this is about half of the total point bar area that is estimated would be created under the proposed action the remaining point bar area would be subject to flooding levels and flow velocities unfavorable for m maintaining shrub vegetation 3463.5 34635 34635 open water about 0.5 05 05 acres of open water ponds would be removed by the proposed action about 12.6 126 126 acres of open water ponds would be constructed some in conjunction with side channels under the proposed action the wetland and pond depths described in chapter I 1 1 figure 15 1 5 and configurations shown on map A 5 in map pocket at back of EIS are conceptual and may be |
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