Record Details

page C-91

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page C-91 Final environmental statement : authorized municipal and industrial system, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, Utah, Vol. 1, page C-91
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Date 14
Format C-91 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; environmental statement water quality improvement program of may 1977 FES 7715 77 15 prepared by the bureau of reclamation and soil conservation service also except for the exclusion of the fruitland froitland Fruit land mesa and savery pot hook projects the water resource developments are the same as those listed in the department of the interiors progress report no 8 quality of water colorado river basin the water resource developments include authorized federal developments as well as state local and private developments thirty three of these are in the upper basin and 10 in the lower basin the salinity control measures are planned to provide control of point diffuse and irrigation sources of salinity under the colorado river salinity control act of june 24 1974 four salinity control projects were authorized for construction and 12 authorized for further study the seventeenth unit the meeker dome uni unit t in colorado is now also under investigation of the 17 salinity control measures 12 would be in the upper basin and 5 in the lower basin the bureau of reclamation estimates were made to the year 2000 they were based on hydrologic records for the period 1941 74 since this is the only period having extensive concurrent runoff and quality data during this period the mean annual virgin runoff at lees ferry was approximately 13.9 139 139 million acre feet the corresponding depletion levels at imperial dam for the years 1990 and 2000 were pro ejected jected to be 13.5 135 135 million acre feet and 13.9 139 139 million acre feet respec respect tively dively part of which is supplied by inflows below lees ferry estimates of future salinity in the colorado river were compared against a standard salinity level of 879 mg1 mgt at imperial dam average historical concentration of 1972 this standard was proposed by the colorado river basin salinity control forum and approved by the environmental protection agency establishment of this standard was part of the salinity program in the colorado river basin which is being under taken with the general objective of keeping salinity in the lower basin at or below present levels while the basin states continue to develop salinity projections of the bureau of reclamation are shown in table C 34 and figure C 6 As shown in the table salinity control measures authorized and under study would provide a reduction of about 1.9 19 ig lg million tons of salt annually this level represents a concen aration tration reduction of about 204 mg1 mgl mgt at imperial dam in the year 2000 which only partially offsets the expected maximum total concentration of 1205 mg1 mgl mgt in order to attain the adopted salinity standard additional control augmentation or management steps will be necessary thus weather modification mod if icat ion lon vegetation management watershed improvement additional de salting and various nonstructural measures remain to be considered and studied in detail curve A on figure C 6 shows the shape and magnitude of salinity effects of anticipated colorado river basin development from the 43 identified water resource development projects without any salinity control curve B shows salinity effects shown by curve A accompanied by the timely construction of four authorized salinity control units curve C shows the cumulative effects of incorporating the 17 salinity control C 91

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