Record Details

page 25

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page 25 Final Report : Survey and Evaluation of Archeological and Historical Resources, Central Utah Project, 1977 ..., page 25
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 25 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 25 faulting and the collapse of the northeastern portion of the uinta arch the pliocene continental uplifting of the colorado plateau amounted to 8000 to 10000 feet and resulted in the rejuvenation of the colorado river and its tributaries tributa ries continental uplift and the collapse of the uinta arch enabled the colorado river system to capture the upper green river drainage at this time the early tertiary deposits of the uinta basin began to be eroded this erosion continues today pliocene downwarping down warping of the uinta basin in response to the continued rising of the uncompaghre plateau and the san rafael swell areas resulted in the tilting of duchesne river formation beds and in the displacement of the synclinal axis north of the topographic low along the duchesne river there is little evidence that the uinta mountain anticline continued to be uplifted in the post pliocene period faulted glacial outwash on towanta lowanta flat is practically the only example of quaternary faulting hansen 1969 between 1850 and 1965 no earthquakes were reported in the uinta mountains and only two earthquakes were reported from the uinta basin cook and smith 1967 the epicenter of one was a few miles west of duchesne and registered less than 2.9 29 29 on the richter scale the second was estimated at between 3.0 30 30 and 3.9 39 39 on the richter scale with its epicenter in the vernal area recently however two earthquakes have been recorded in the upper rock creek area september 30 1977 4.4 44 44 october 11 1977 4.1 41 because of their location I 1 assume that these recent earthquakes are associated with movement in the south flank fault zone quaternary glaciation in in the uinta mountains resulted in the deposition of moraines raines moraites mo in mountain valleys and glacial outwash at the foot of the mountains recent alluvial deposits have developed along the green river and its tributaries tributa ries wind precipitation temperature plants and animals have all interacted with and modified the uinta basin syncline and the uinta mountain anticline to pro duce the landscapes which one sees today reciprocally the landscapes interact with and affect the winds the precipitation the temperature the plants and the animals including man clark 1957 and marsell 1964 following clark dark have divided the landscapes of the uinta basin into six topographic districts see figure three the north eastern district 1 lies east of asphalt ridge a large sandstone cuesta south and west of vernal this is an area of erosional topography with hogbacks hog backs separating gentle sloping valleys major subdivisions of this area include the valleys of ashley creek and brush creek and

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