Record Details
Field | Value |
Title | page 3-131 Final environmental impact statement on the Provo River Restoration Project, page 3-131 |
Coverage | Electronic reproduction; |
Format | 3-131 text/PDF |
Rights | Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public |
Language | English; eng; en |
Relation | Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 320.3 3203 threatened and endangered species construction is likely to temporarily displace osting roosting boosting ro and perching bald eagles under the PRRP alternatives construction could cause some mortality and reduced reproductive success of spotted frog adults tadpoles and egg masses even with the conservation measures and SOPs short term impacts may also occur to ute ladies tresses habitat due to the proposed action and existing channel modification alternative 320.4 3204 3204 soil resources streambeds Stream beds and streambanks strearribanks stream banks would experience minor erosion during and immediately after construction 320.5 3205 3205 mineral and energy resources spoil material created during construction would be deposited at an existing excavation site and fuel would be used by construction vehicles during construction and by recreationists vehicles after construction 320.6 3206 3206 air quality nitrogen oxides sulfur oxides and particulate matter from vehicle emissions would increase during and after construction as recreationists drive to the provo river dust emissions would increase during construction 320.7 3207 3207 agriculture resources individual farming fanning operations would have to alter agricultural practices because of the permanent loss of grazing land and cropland and related restrictions on crossing the provo river with vehicles and equipment modifications to irrigation systems and changes in cultivation and local access 320.8 3208 3208 socioeconomics farm revenue and income would decrease because of the temporary and permanent disturbance of grazing and crop land under the proposed action and existing channel modification alternative some farmers fan ners local residents and property owners would be adversely impacted during and after construction along the provo river because private property would be acquired under the PRRP 3131 313 3 13 320.9 3209 3209 health and safety there would be a minor increase in the risk of traffic accidents for motorists driving near construction traffic and then after construction as more recreationists drive to access points along the provo river frequency of overbank flood flows also would increase along the provo river but flood flows would be contained within setback dikes or by natural topographic features at the margin of the 100 year floodplain flood plain the increased number of recreationists and children visiting the river also would cause a minor increase in the risk of drowning 320.10 32010 noise noise levels would exceed significance criteria for people within about 50 feet of construction sites some people would experience significant noise impacts during construction along smaller roads in the impact area of influence that are not traveled by large trucks under baseline conditions there would be additional noise impacts from recreationists vehicles on roads along the provo river 320.11 32011 visual resources vegetation and soil disturbance during construction would persist during the time required for regrowth of re vegetated areas to a size comparable to the vegetation removed about 2 to 7 years depending on vegetation type removal of cottonwood trees also would impact visual resources during the time required for growth regrowth re of new trees to a size comparable to the ones removed about 2 to 30 years 320.12 32012 recreation restricted access to specific areas of the river and increased noise levels would reduce the quality of the recreation experience during construction 320.13 32013 32013 cultural resources thorough surveys of cultural and paleontological resources in the impact area of influence have not been completed so the location and extent of potential unavoidable adverse impacts on these resources is is not known |
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