Record Details

page C-78

Digital Collections at BYU

Field Value
Title page C-78 Final environmental statement : authorized municipal and industrial system, Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, Utah, Vol. 1, page C-78
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Date 14
Format C-78 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; of fair to good quality trout stream in the bonneville basin and reduce the value on another 53 miles of cold and warm waler water stream fishery the tradeoff would be construction of a 320000 acre foot reservoir and improved streamflows stream flows on 53 miles of coldwater cold water stream fishery the total increased fishery use as explained in section C 2 would be 153356 annual fishing days 2 endangered fish species a CRSP developments constructed or under construction two endemic species of fish unique to the colorado river and its larger tributaries tributa ries generally the downstream portions of the green yampa gunnison and san juan rivers are of particular concern in evaluating impacts of the CRSP because of a change in habitat and apparent decline in population the fish and wildlife service has classified the colorado squawfish and humpback chub as endangered species the two species are large river fishes they evolved in the natural river and its larger tributaries tributa ries when the environ ment of these streams was extremely harsh and characterized by warm water radical flow fluctuations heavy silt load areas of extreme turbulence and high dissolved solid concentrations the populations have declined drastically however with the changes in aquatic habitat caused by mans activities the decline is attributable to such acrivi activi ties as construction of large river impoundments dumping of wastes and pollution in the river systems introduction of exotic species of game and nongame fish and other physical and chemical alterations in the system within the lower colorado river basin the area downstream of glen canyon dam the species are now either rare or nonexis tent J 1 the basic reason most often cited for their decline is the construction and operation of approximately 15 impoundments which control the lower river and have significantly altered the river habitat in the upper basin it can be estimated that prior to the CRSP there were approximately 1350 miles of habitat occupied by the colorado river squawfish and the humpback chub the CRSP has inundated 364 miles and changed the river conditions in another 170 miles of stream habitat below mainstream impoundments to eliminate a total of 534 miles of habitat as shown in table C 25 I 1 1 holden paul B and stalnaker clair B distribution and abund abend abundance ance of mainstream fishes of the middle and upper colorado river basins 1967 19671973 1973 transactions of the american fisheries society april 1975 C 78

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