Record Details

page 1-90

Digital Collections at BYU

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Title page 1-90 Final environmental impact statement on the Provo River Restoration Project, page 1-90
Coverage Electronic reproduction;
Format 1-90 text/PDF
Rights Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public
Language English; eng; en
Relation Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; nine of 12 heber valley irrigation companies where pressurized water would allow farmers to convert from flood irrigation to sprinklers sprink lers new pipelines would be extended from the timpanogos Timpano gos wasatch and humbug canals to deliver pressurized water to irrigation company service areas some distribution canals would be replaced by pipelines resulting in water conservation through improvement in conveyance efficiency noncentral non central utah project water conserved under the WCWEP with daniel replacement pipeline would be used to supplement the flows of five heber valley streams rock ditch spring creek lower lake creek london ditch and creamery ditch the WCWEP with daniel replacement pipeline would include energy and pumping facilities funded by heber city that would allow heber city to pressurize water for lawn and garden irrigation under a local development known as the heber city secondary system the daniel replacement pipeline would provide daniel irrigation company DIC with replacement water after their diversions from flom the upper strawberry river basin are terminated replacement water would be conveyed through the timpanogos Timpano gos canal and new pumping stations and pipelines diversions from the upper strawberry river basin would stop once the proposed action is implemented the DIC diversion facilities would be abandoned and removed or retained for historic interpretation in non functioning condition and natural stream flows in the upper strawberry river basin and its tributaries tributa ries would be restored after the transbasin trans basin diversion to dam daniels els eis creek is terminated the PRRP and WCWEP with daniel replacement pipeline also would cause cumulative impacts on certain resources after they are constructed the PRRP would improve some environmental resources and recreation opportunities along the river adjacent farm land wetlands local residents and land owners would be impacted by the PRRP A peak work force of approximately 77 workers would construct the WCWEP with daniel replacement pipeline records of decision selecting the WCWEP with daniel replacement pipeline were signed by the mitigation commission on march 12 1997 and by the US department of the interior on march 21 1997 the primary EIS resource topics related to this project would be wetlands aquatic resources wildlife resources threatened and endangered species socioeconomics agriculture and recreation 1 11112.3 111123 the tri vailey valley watershed plan the NRCS is developing a watershed plan for heber valley round valley and the southern portion of kamas valley new water quality management techniques and sprinkler irrigation conversions would be cost shared by the NRCS and implemented on a voluntary basis by eligible local farmers and ranchers the plan was completed in the late summer of 1997 an environmental assessment on the plan was completed in september of 1997 A finding of no significant impact was issued by the NRCS on september 30 1997 the sprinkler irrigation conversions are expected to occur concurrently with construction of the WCWEP with daniel replacement pipeline and with public law 566 funding the water quality management elements of the plan would focus on education and demonstration projects during the first two years of implementation based on experience with similar projects NRCS expects participation in the water quality elements to increase after the effects of the demonstration project are observed by local people the water quality elements of the plan would be designed to control erosion and pollutants from dairies feedlots feed lots and surface return flows practices may include fencing filter strips land use changes from pasture to cropland streambank stream bank stabilization improved animal waste management and utilization constructed wetlands and a prescribed grazing system during the long term the plan is expected to improve water quality in heber valley streams and deer creek reservoir by reducing sedimentation and phosphorous and nitrogen runoff from pastures croplands crop lands and confined feeding operations the primary EIS resource topics related to this project would be water quality aquatic resources agriculture and socioeconomics 11112.4 111124 highway 40 upgrade north of heber city UDOT plans to widen state highway 40 in heber valley from the river road intersection to the northem northern boundary of heber city doubling capacity from two to four lanes when completed in 1998 UDOT projects a peak of 66 construction workers impacts would include physical disturbance of wetlands and other resources in the highway right of way socioeconomic impacts from construction workers and air quality noise and traffic impacts the affected EIS resource topics would be wetlands aquatic resources socioeconomics air quality noise and transportation

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