Record Details
Field | Value |
Title | page 68 Final Report : Survey and Evaluation of Archeological and Historical Resources, Central Utah Project, 1977 ..., page 68 |
Coverage | Electronic reproduction; |
Format | 68 text/PDF |
Rights | Brigham Young University; Public Domain Public |
Language | English; eng; en |
Relation | Central Utah Project; Western Waters Digital Library; 68 areas which intuitively seemed to be high probability areas were surveyed one site was found in the sample area and three sites were found in the high probability areas towanta lowanta flat the impact area on towanta lowanta flat includes approx imately irately 13520 acres towanta lowanta flat is a glacial outwash plain lying between lake fork creek and rock creek the outwash plain slopes down from north to south the elevation ranges from 8200 feet to 7160 feet sagebrush serviceberry and grasses are the dominant vegetation with the exception of a narrow band of juniper and pinyon pine on the east side of the outwash plain this band cuts across the plain from northwest to southeast approximately 25 percent of towanta lowanta flat was inten anten sively surveyed the sample was selected in the following manner fifteen two hundred meter wide transects were laid out at the regular interval of two transects per mile the transects were oriented grid north south thus cutting across the two different vegetation zones and across altitude zones the length of the fifteen transects totaled forty three miles each transect was 0.1242 01242 miles wide A total of 5.34 534 square miles or 3419 acres was surveyed the fifteen transects were intensively surveyed in the four day period beginning april 24 and ending april 27 twenty eight person days were required to complete the survey two crews were employed in the survey the crews located the section and center section markers when there were no markers topographic features were used to locate the section and center section lines crew members would then pace off an interval of thirty meters between each other beginning fifteen meters west of the section or center section line then with the aid of a brunton compass and flagging the crew would walk grid north or grid south to the north or south end of the transect they would then move thirty meters west of the westernmost member re establish their interval and walk grid south or grid north to their starting point on the longer transects some mid course corrections were necessary in general we were quite successful in keeping within the transect after the fifteen transects had been surveyed areas which intuitively seemed to be high probability areas were intensively surveyed no sites were found in either the fifteen transects or the |
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